Let's See

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Curiosity shivered and glanced up at Mace. He was studying Jack as if he couldn't quite figure out what the warlock was thinking. She empathized.

Jack regarded them both over his wineglass. "Before we talk of can and will, let us be clear. Exactly what would you like help with?"

For once, Curiosity decided to stay quiet and let Mace handle Jack. There was something menacing about the warlock now, a calculating, cold look that made her not want him focused on her.

Mace sat up. "I want to be human again."

Jack's expression didn't change. "Only the warlock who enchanted you can turn you back. Or the spell runs out."

"Yeah, so everyone says," Mace said. "But it isn't true so can we just skip that part?"

This time a faint smile crossed Jack's face. "Very well. I assume you wish the same, pretty one?"

She jumped. She had thought they had forgotten her. "Well, yeah. I'm a human in a cat body. What else would I want?"

Jack took another sip of wine as he stared into the fire. "I will need a very good reason to un-spell you. It isn't considered polite in warlock circles to un-spell someone else's enchanted."

Mace let out a low growl. "I am stuck as a dog and you are worried about offending someone? Do you have any idea what it is like to be a dog? It's disorienting and frustrating. I want to stand on my own two feet and be able to open doors or wield a weapon. I want my life back."

"Understood, but you must understand there is a little more to it than offending someone. There are powerful warlocks out there. People it does not pay to cross."

Curiosity shivered, remembering what the witch in the forest had said. It was almost the exact same wording.

"Will you help me or not?" Mace demanded.

Jack sighed and rubbed his head as if he had a headache. "I would like some information before I make my decision. How did you both know to come to me?"

Curiosity jumped in to answer him. "The hairy scary witch told us you were powerful before she tried to sell me to the golem things."

Jack stared at her for a moment then looked at Mace. "Explain what a hairy scary witch is please."

Mace was making an odd sound, almost as if he was suppressing laughter. "There is a witch living near the castle who can understand the enchanted. Witch Maggie. She sold out Curiosity's location to the golems."

"Ah, yes, I've heard rumours about her. But the rumours do not explain the hairy part."

Curiosity answered him. "She's covered in hair! Like everywhere, you can't see her body. And it tried to eat Mace!"

"Really?" Jack said, actually looking a bit interested.

"Yeah, really," Mace admitted. "Something about being hungry for living things."

"That makes sense," Jack said. "Her hair is probably some sort of fey. It gives her power in return for life force. If she can't give it a living being, it eats her life force."

"Is that why she was so skinny?" Curiosity asked in fascination.

"Probably. So the witch told me I would help you?"

Mace shook his head. "No, she said you had the power. She also said you were prickly."

Jack frowned. "Prickly?"

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