Chapter 3

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"Where the hell have you been?!" Christian shouts as Taylor and I walk in. I pull my phone out of my back pocket, I have 8 missed calls from Christian. Jeez, I just went out for food. Unaware of who he is talking to I stay quiet. Since Taylor isn't saying anything I finally say, "I went to get food." I hold up my bag that contained my pretzel.

"You couldn't call to ask me or giving me a fucking heads up? Taylor, what the hell? You're supposed to watch my daughter," Christian shouts.

"I'm sorry, Sir. But Ms.Grey asked me not to."

"She isn't the one who signs your fucking paychecks Taylor. I need to know at all times where she is. Do you understand me? From now on you're on probation. Always call me before you take Chloe anywhere! Do you understand?" Christian is throwing his hands in the air to prove his point. He looks like a madman.

"Yes, Sir. I won't let it happen again. My mistake," Taylor says as he looks at the ground. Not capable of making eye contact with my dad. I honestly feel bad for Taylor. This is all my fault. If I didn't have to be such a brat he would not be getting yelled at right now.

"You're damn right it's your fucking mistake. You're excused." Christian blatantly ushers Taylor out of the room and turns to me. Crap, now it's my turn to get yelled at.

"And you. You can't pick up your phone?! Why am I paying for your phone if you don't know how to fucking answer it! Jesus Chloe, I thought you were dead. On the street dead. Answer your phone next time. Okay?" He seems calmer when he finishes the sentence. He can be so dramatic sometimes.

"Dad you knew I was with Taylor. And Taylor won't let anything bad happen to me while I'm under his care. I trust him and so should you." I try to say as calmly as I can to not piss him off even further.

"I didn't know you were with Taylor. I thought he was visiting his daughter. Today was his day off. And either way, I expect you to call me every time you leave the house. Regardless if you go to the lobby for the mail or go for a walk. I don't care where you just have to tell me. Okay?" He seems much more relaxed but his eyes are filled with panic.

"Yes sir," I say as I look at the ground playing with my fingers. I hate when he yells at me. I feel like such a child.

"Chloe, I don't want to scare you." He walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder. "Please look at me." I slowly move my head up to make eye contact with him. His panicked expression has changed to worried face. I don't want him to think that I'm scared of him because I'm not. I just hate when he goes batshit crazy.

"I'm not scared of you," I mutter. "I just don't like it when you yell. I think you owe an apology to Taylor. He didn't deserve that, he was just doing his job. If anything you should punish me. I was the one that asked him to take me and...." he cuts me off before I can finish my sentence.

"No Chloe! I'm not going to apologize to Taylor. He knows the rules. Jesus Chloe, I was worried sick about you. I thought you ran away or...." he's pulling on his hair and I feel like he's going to go bald.

"Wait, why would you think I would run?"

"Because I thought...." I cut him off before he can finish.

"Did Mom run?" He stops cold in the middle of the living room. I know that anytime we discuss mom, which is almost never, he gets angry and storms out of the room. I have a right to know about her and I want to know what happened.

For what feels like the longest time we both stand there, staring at each other. "We're not talking about her right now." He simply shrugs off the topic like it isn't important.

"I am, Dad. I want to know what happened. Did she leave because of me? Did she not want me? Was I...."

"Don't say that! You don't know why. Don't jump to conclusions."

"I have to Dad! You give me no other option. What am I supposed to think? You never talk about her...." I pause for a second to keep the tears that are building up in my eyes at bay. " I don't even know her name, Dad. Why won't you talk to me about her? I have a right to know! I am her daughter after all." When I stop talking I realize that there are tears running down my cheeks. I look at Dad and he's just standing there, doing nothing.

"Please don't cry, Chloe. I hate seeing you cry," he says as he gets closer to me. I can tell that he's coming over to comfort me but I don't want to be comforted. I want answers.

"No," I shout as I step back from his touch. He looks surprised but he respects by choice. He stays where I was and it looks like he's contemplating what he should say.

"You don't need to know about her, Chloe. She's not important."

"How could you say that? She's my mother! She gave me life. Did she hurt you? Is that why you won't tell me about her?" I don't understand how he can say that. Didn't he love her?

"Enough Chloe! I'm not having this discussion with you. Not here and not now!" He moves to walk to his office but I run after him.

"Then where! Where else do you want to discuss this? The park? The fucking Zoo? I deserve to know..."

"Watch your language! I have to go to work. I'll see you at dinner."

"You don't," I yell after him but he's already in the elevator.

It's not bad to want information. He's so dramatic and....ugh! I knew I shouldn't have brought it up but I need to know. I want to know who she is and why she left. Was it me? Did she not want kids? Did she die? I pull my phone out and see that it's only two o'clock. I slowly climb up the stair and head towards my room. But before I even make it into my room I slide down on my room and let out a sob. I start crying and I can't stop.

"Ms.Grey, did you fall? Do you need help?" I look over and see Mrs. Jones, or is it Mrs. Taylor now? I should ask her if she changed her last name when she married Taylor. Mrs. Jones is holding a laundry basket and looks down at me. I don't even answer her. I simply stand up, open the door to my room, and slam it behind me. I know that it's not Gail's fault but I just can't deal with anyone right now. Don't get me wrong but I do love Gail. I wouldn't survive without her. She's always been there for me and she's always had my back when Dad would act crazy. 

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