Chapter 5

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"Morning," says Dad as he makes his way to the chair next to me.

I'm at the kitchen island eating my fruit as I read on my phone. I ignore Dad as he comes to sit next to me. I just make it look like I'm very invested him my phone.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Asks Dad as he runs his hand through his hair. I know he's drowning, not knowing what to do.

I look up from my phone, up to Gail, who is in the kitchen flipping pancakes. "Gail, may I please have a cup of orange juice," I ask super sweetly and smile at her.

"Of course, Chloe. Coming right up." She smiles back.

I look back down at my phone and pull up an article about the weather. Wow, no rain today. Let's see how long that lasts.

"Chloe, can you please look at me," he half begs and half orders.

I quickly turn to look at him, I shut my phone off and slam it a bit too hard on the counter. I hope it didn't break. Dad has to move back, startled by my outburst. He clearly wasn't expecting me to actually turn and talk to him. I'm about to break and laugh at his reaction but luckily Gail comes over and places my cup of orange juice in front of me. She gives me a wink as she places it down in front of me.

"Mr. Grey, can I get you anything?"

"Just a cup of coffee."

Jeez, would it kill him to say please once in his life? Why is he so rude to Gail when she's nothing but an angel to him? I turn to my cup of orange juice and slowly take a sip.

"Chloe, I'm sorry about the way I acted yesterday."

I don't look at him because I know I'll succumb to the guilt that I know is written all over his face. I look back at my phone and turn it back on.

"Come on, Cupcake," he says as he pokes my side. I smile and turn to look at him, my smile fades away when I see his face. Cut the guy a break, Chloe. Jeez, he clearly feels bad.

"I'm sorry," he says as he pouts.

"No, I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have pushed my questions on you. It's my fault."

"Apology accepted." He smiles and turns back to look at Gail, waiting for his cup of coffee. Man oh man is this man bipolar. I think to myself as I giggle softly.


We're parked outside my new school and I'm all nerves. Sawyer is behind the wheel and Taylor is standing outside the car door, waiting to escort me into school. I'm frozen to my seat as I play with the straps on my backpack. Dad then places his hand over mine and gives it a small squeeze.

"Hey, don't be nervous."

I give him a small smile, "I'm not," I lie.

"It'll be better than you think. And if not you can always go back to being homeschooled."

"Dad, you know I...." I don't know what to say. I just know I don't want to get into another argument about school.

"Hey, I'm just joking. Now go, before you're late." He smiles.

I squeeze his hand back and exit the car. When I step out I give Taylor a small smile and start walking. Once I reach the quad I see several students talking and laughing. Some are just on their phone, ignoring everyone around them. Everyone is so loud and excited. I thought school was dull and boring and that everyone hated it, but this, this doesn't look like that. I stare at all the students and how they're all in their own little worlds. I'm broken out of my daze when something hits my ankles. I look down and see a basketball rolling around my feet. I bend down to pick it up and look around to see where it came from.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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