Assassination classroom

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Karma - (I was gonna do Nagisa, but someone requested that I do Karma instead here he is!)

Bang! "Missed, again." (again as in do it again not as in you missed it again, just a heads up) Bang! "Missed, again" Bang!

"God dammit!!!!!!!" You whined as you missed the target for the third time. Unfortunately, you had joined class 3E later than everyone else, being sent from 3A, after having followed the class of 3E up the mountain as your curiosity about them peaked, plus you had been dared to go up there by one of the big five from class 3A, Ren Sakakibara, then when his friends, the other students from the big five, apart from Gakushu Asano, heard this little dare, they all agreed that it was a good dare, forcing you to go through with it. Well, when you were at the top of the mountain, you saw all the students in gym class, then two of them started to fight, but the teacher just stood and watched, as if assessing them! Then the rest of the class followed suit, making you almost pass out. Then they all went inside, you going to the window to watch them, then you saw this weird yellow tentacle-octopus-thingy, teaching them! You screamed at the sight of this creature-teacher, then hid in the bushes hoping no one had noticed. the room fell silent, until a few "what was that?" and "did you hear that?" started to resound around the classroom. After a few students had taken a look out the window, they dismissed it as a bird or a mouse or something. The class continued as normal, but then this guy with candy red hair, shot at it, and as the weird pink bullet was about to hit the monster, it moved with super speed, then it spoke! "Now, now Karma, no showing off in front of our new guest." The whole class was confused, as were you, until he said, whilst still looking at the blackboard, "You can come out now miss (Y/N), our little mouse." Your heart stopped as you had been caught by the yellow thing. You stood from your place in the bushes, then went to walk around to the door to enter and to go apologise for intruding, when a sudden voice called out, "hey, where you going?" You turned back to see the candy red-head who had earlier been identified as 'Karma' leaning out the window looking at you, his ravishing looks taking your breath and ability to speak away. "Uh, um, I was just gonna, um go, go around to the, d-door."  He then chuckled a little, then held out his hand saying, "why go the long way?" He then looked at his hand, then back at you, signalling you to take it, which you did, as he pulled you into the classroom, then when you looked at him, his face was very close and he had a smile that was almost a smirk, clearly enjoying watching the blush appear on your face as you realised how close he was. "T-Thanks.", was all you could say. "Your welcome" was his cocky reply, him knowing the affect he had on you already. He then moved away and back to his seat at the back of the classroom. You then looked over at the octopus, then walked up to him, bowing, you say "I-I'm so sorry I, um, I was spying on you and your, uh class, please forgive me!" He then chuckled a little, making you look up, seeing his face had changed colour from yellow to pink, almost as if he was blushing. He then stretched one of his tentacles out towards you and patted your head saying, "It's okay, just simple curiosity as to what the mysterious class 3E was up to, you couldn't help it. However, this will not be overlooked, as you have now seen me in my true form, and therefore... you must..." You held your breath, afraid of the words that were to follow, "join our class." ... "Huh???" was all you could say, after expecting the worst punishment possible, to this simple task??  "We will go and speak to the principle about your moving class, then you should be here by tomorrow, for now, you should go and tell your friends of class 3A that you will not be seeing them in school anymore." 

And that's how you ended up here, on a mountain, in the lowest and least popular class, practising how to shoot a gun, so that you can kill your teacher, and save the world. But you weren't doing so well when it came to shooting. You were good at everything else, as you loved gym class and were very athletic, so when it came to handling a knife, and doing parkour, you were a natural, but because you were so athletic, you were always moving, so when it came to being still and precise with something like a gun, it wasn't something that was as easy to learn/do.

You slumped down on the ground in defeat. Everyone here had welcomed you with open arms, and even Mr. Tadaomi had grown a soft spot for you, and korosensei seemed to turn pink every time you and him made eye contact, you smiled at him or you spoke to him when he wasn't teaching. A shadow soon started to loom over you and it lingered there, until you looked up to see the candy red-head who had helped you the most ever since you got here, him teasing you whenever he got the chance to. He had become your best friend when you got here, him texting you every night, even if you didn't answer him he would text you and never get angry (he got your number before you left the classroom the day you had spied on them all), and he was always flirting with you, making you blush, which he loved. He reached his hand out for you to take, not saying a word as he smiled down at you. You took his hand, as he pulled you up, again being very close to his face, getting a very bad sense of dashavoo, you felt his breath blow gently on your face, his hand still in yours. He spins you around so your back is facing him, and he hands you the gun you had dropped when you fell to the ground defeated by the piece of metal that now lay in your hand. You then held the gun properly, pointing it at the target, Karma took a step closer, making your back press against his chest. He grabbed your hand that held the gun, holding it steady, he then straightened up your posture, then shot the gun, hitting the target right in the middle. 

"See? That's all it takes. Now you try." He had not moved as he said this, but he had turned his head to face you. "Ready, aim..." He then let go of your hand before he said "fire." You pulled the trigger, making the pink bullet shoot at the target. You had closed your eyes, afraid pf the result. You slowly opened your eyes, looking at the target, another hole had been created, about one inch below the one you and Karma had made a minute ago. You then turned to him, smiling like crazy, so happy you could barely contain yourself. You jumped up and down, then almost leaped onto Karma, hugging him whilst laughing and saying "Thank youuuuuuuuuu!!!"  You then stopped after realising what you were doing, then unwrapped your hands from around his neck, then stepped back a bit saying "uh, thanks", laughing awkwardly. 

You looked at him, as he just stood there, with a kind of shocked almost emotionless expression. "Karma? Karma, are you okay??????" It became annoying just repeating his name, so you said "Fine, I see how it is, ignore me then!" You started to pout like a child. Then out of nowhere, a soft pair of lips came down on yours, as he waited for you to kiss back. Your eyes were wide, but soon started to droop closed, as you kissed back, making him put his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you closer, if possible. You both then pulled away, gasping for air. You looked into each others eyes, a layer of lust and want covering both of your eyes. You both lean back in and continue to kiss again, until you both heard a all too familiar giggle coming from right beside you. You jumped, but Karma stayed calm, as you looked and saw the yellow octopus of a man inches from both of your faces, his face pink. He then slowly lifts up a camera from one of his many tentacles, then waved it in your faces, signalling that he had taken some photos of the two of you. "Ah, I knew there was a love blossoming between you two, hehehe!" all of a sudden, one of korosensei's tentacles, specifically the one that was holding the camera, was shot and turned to goo. The two turned, shocked at the sudden succession of the bullet. "Ah so you can be hit, and this is what happens when you do get shot with this bullet. Does the same happen when you get stabbed?" You asked as you smiled innocently, with a hint of malice in your voice, as you held the gun with steam emanating off of it in one hand, and the camera in the other hand. You then pointed the gun at korosensei, then proceeded to look through the pictures in the camera... Needless to say, you were scarred for life at what you saw. You then looked back at korosensei to see him reaching out for it, then when you gave him a look of 'are you serious?' he looked away, whistling like he had done nothing. "Uh, (Y/N), may I please have my camera ba-" 

"No." You replied cutting him off part way though his question. Then, one second the camera was whole and working, the next it was smashed to bits, crushed in your bare hands. These actions shocked both Korosensei and Karma. But then the yellow teacher was happy as he realised that you were changing and becoming more like the rest of the class, but mainly Karma, him becoming proud of you for learning so quickly and not falling behind the rest of the class, and knowing that what he and his fellow teachers were teaching her were working and taking affect. Karma was happy/proud that you were now his, and no one else could have you. (Although he still has to ask you out, but all welllllll)


Damn that was a LOT longer than I expected. Hehehe.

Well thanks for reading!!!!!!

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