Part 1- going to the orthodontist

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You're 15. You are in 9th grade and are homeschooled. You met Grayson Dolan online and have been dating for a year. While you may be beautiful, your teeth are atrocious. You've been waiting to get braces for 4 years. And your teeth are so bad that you are expected to have them for 3 and a half years.

You and Grayson were hanging out one Saturday when you got a text from your mom saying, "Ortho appointment today at 11".

"Gray I have an ortho appointment today at 11, can you take me?" You asked.

"Yeah of course." Gray said without even thinking.

You texted your mom and told her he would take you. What your mom didn't tell you was that you were finally getting braces.

You and Grayson hung out for a bit and then it came close to 11.

"Okay Gray, we should probably leave for my appointment." You said grabbing your phone.

Gray drove you to your appointment. You signed in and sat down in the waiting area as you always did. You figured it was just your normal check up where you would go back and they tell you what problems you have to fix before you get your braces.

"Y/n?" A lady called from the hallway.

"Bye Gray, I'll be back in a few minutes!" You said.

You followed the lady back down the long hallway. You sat down in the chair and saw a bunch of weird tools, but you had figured it was from the last patient.

"Hi y/n! Are you excited?" Asked Dr Silverman, your orthodontist.

"Yeah, I guess." You said confused.

"Okay, so the sooner we start the sooner we finish!" Dr Silverman said grabbing the cheek retractor.

You sat there, super confused. He never used this and you didn't know what was happening.

A few minutes pass and you see him grab what looks to be like a bracket. Being that you had the cheek retractor in, you couldn't ask what was going on.

~an hour later~

"Alright y/n! What color do you want?" Said dr Silverman.

You knew right then that you had just gotten braces.

"Purple I guess." You answered.

Dr Silverman started placing the colored bands on your teeth.

~about 15 minutes later~

"Okay y/n! You are all set to go!" Dr Silverman said while raising your seat up.

You rubbed your tongue against your teeth and it felt very rough.

"Thanks so much!" You said as you walked out to Gray.

"Y/n! What took so long?" Gray asked as you two walked out.

"Uh this!" You said as you smiled.

"Woah wait!" Grayson said as he stopped walking.

"You finally got your braces!" He said smiling.

"Yeah I did! My mom didn't tell me I was getting them, so I was very surprised!" You said laughing.

"Babe they look so good!" Gray said.

"Thanks Gray, I haven't even seen them yet." You said as you got into the car.

Gray drove you home and you went to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

"Gray I look so bad with these!" You said as you looked at yourself.

"No y/n, you don't! I still love you anyways because you will get them off and your teeth will be stunning!" Gray said.

You and Gray hung out for a little while. Later, he got you ice cream because your teeth were hurting. Even though you didn't know about your braces, it was a very pleasant surprise.

Going to the orthodontist with Grayson Dolan Where stories live. Discover now