Part 3- The next month

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You had finally gotten used to the expanders and herbst appliance, but now you had another monthly appointment. 

"Hey Gray, can you take me to my ortho appointment today at 10:30?" you asked, as you rolled over from spending the night with him.

"what? oh uh yeah sure." gray said rubbing his eyes.

"when are you going to get those off?" he questioned, with a lisp because he had his retainers in.

"uhh not for a couple more years Gray!" you said laughing.

"Are you serious?" he said sitting up, looking at you.

"completely serious babe! i mean look at my teeth! do they look even close to straight right now?" you said, sitting up next to him.

"well i can't even see them because of all the stupid metal stuff you have in there!" he said laughing. 

You rolled your eyes and grabbed your phone. you went on snapchat and started snapchatting your day.

"hey guys! so Gray and I just woke up, incase you can't tell, and the plans for today are pretty simple." you said to the camera.

Gray leaned over and kissed your cheek. you grabbed his face and squished his cheeks together revealing his shiny metal retainer to the world. He pulled away quick.

"Babe why did you pull away?" you said, still recording.

"i don't want people seeing me wearing my retainers!" he said, looking down at his phone.

"oh my gosh Gray you're such a drama queen!" you said rolling your eyes and turning back to the camera.

"anyway, so today i have an ortho appointment at 10:30 and after that I think Gray and I are going to try and have a photo shoot because we both need better pictures to post on our instagram." you said.

"what do you think gray?" you asked

"yep" he said, still looking at his phone.

you turned back around to your phone and said "oh and i think i may be getting my herbst appliance out today as well and then i'll just have regular rubber bands which would be amazing right now because, as some of you may know, these metal bars are awful and they hurt so bad."

Gray turned over and just sat sat behind you looking at the camera.

"do you have something to say Grayson?" you asked.

"what no... nothing!" gray said.

"ok so yeah! i'll check in with you guys later!" you said ending the snapchat.

You put your phone away and got out of bed. You went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and begin doing your hair and makeup.

~ two hours later~

"Hey G, it's 10 so think we should go." You yelled from the kitchen.

Gray walked out from the bedroom, he grabbed his keys and grabbed your hand.

"let's go my love" He said, smirking.

"why are you acting like that?" You asked

"No reason." He said winking.

You two walked out, got in his porsche, and drove to the orthodontist.

You arrived at the orthodontist a few minutes early. G insisted on staying in the car. You walked yourself in, signed in, and sat down in the waiting room. A few minutes pass and you were called back.

"Hello Miss y/n, how are we doing today?" Dr. Silverman said as he laid your seat back.

"Pretty good!" You said.

"Great, well i'm going to take a look at your mouth here and see what we are doing today!" He said.

"Ok, awesome news... You're ready to get out of that herbst appliance!" Dr. Silverman said.

"Yay! That's great news!" You said.

"It is, except now you get rubber bands and i'm going to strengthen your expanders by 75% so both the top and bottom ones are ready to come out next appointment. I am not going to lie to you, you will be in a lot of pain so make sure you stay on pain meds and remember, it's for your own good!" Dr. Silverman said smiling sarcastically.

He took out the herbst appliance and showed you how to wear your new rubber bands. You honestly preferred the look of the herbst appliance more, it was way less noticeable. He then took his special key and expanded your appliance to his liking. Your jaw felt like it was being broken and he just kept pushing it further out. It felt like ages and then you realized, he still had to do the top one.

~ ten minutes later ~

"Alright y/n, I'm just going to say i'm sorry in advance for the pain you will experience over the next few weeks. I pushed your expanders out as far as they would push and hopefully you should be all healed up by your next appointment. You probably won't be able to move your jaws for a few days, so always have some way of communicating with others with you. Here are your elastics as well, and also, I put on power chains... have fun!" Dr. Silverman said as he walked you out.

You physically couldn't move your mouth. This was a feeling you were not used to. The only thing you could do was open your lips, no smiling or talking at all. You walked out to Gray and got in the passengers seat.

"Hi baby, how'd it go?" Gray said looking around at your mouth.

You gave him a thumbs up.

"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" Gray said laughing and squeezed your cheeks.

You let out a moaning sound. Since you couldn't scream this was all you could do. Your eyes squeezed shut in pain as your pushed Grays hand away.

"Are you okay?" Gray asked, concerned.

Just then, Dr. Silverman called you. You answered it and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey y/n, I should've done this before you left, but is someone with you?" Dr. Silverman asked.

"Mhmm" You said.

"Great, I am just going to talk to them and let them know what's going on." Dr. Silverman said.

"Hi Dr. Silverman, it's y/ns boyfriend, Grayson." G said, taking the phone.

"Hi Grayson, so i'm just going to warn you now, y/n probably wont be able to talk for the next few days. I expanded her palatal expanders as far as they would go to make her orthodontic treatment faster. Because of this, her jaws shouldn't be able to move independently for about a week. She needs to be on a constant liquid diet and pain meds around the clock, as her mouth will be in pain. Do you have any other questions?" Dr. Silverman explained.

"Um, no I think everything's good, I'll take care of her." Gray said.

"Awesome, have a great day and i'll see you in a few weeks!" Dr. Silverman said, hanging up the phone.

"y/n I am so sorry." Gray said.

You typed out "it's ok" on your phone and showed it to him. The rest of the drive home was pure silence, which you were honestly thankful for. You got home at about noon and went and laid down on the coach, you were fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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Going to the orthodontist with Grayson Dolan Where stories live. Discover now