Part 2- getting other appliances

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You were helping E and Gray film a video for this week when you got a text from your mom saying you had an orthodontist appointment to get your expander at noon that day.

"Uh Gray, I have an ortho appointment at noon." You said

"Okay, we should probably leave now because it's 11:30." Gray said.

Gray drove you to your appointment. You walked in, signed in, and sat in the waiting room like always. You and Gray waited about 5 minutes until a lady called you back.

"Bye Gray!!" You said as you started walking down the hallway.

You were super nervous. You had heard bad things about expanders from your friends that had them.

"Alright y/n! Are you excited to finally get those teeth moving?" Dr Silverman asked.

"Yes! Am I getting an expander on the top and bottom?" You asked.

"Yes, top and bottom, and the herbst appliance." He stated.

"I'm getting the herbst appliance today?" You asked, confused.

"Yes, upon seeing your teeth at today's appointment, I think it's about time! Plus, it'll speed up the braces process if we get it all at once!" He said as he placed the cheek retractor in.

~45 minutes later~

"Okay y/n, you're all done!" Dr Silverman said as he raised up your seat.

You closed your mouth for the first time with all the stuff in it. It felt super crowded and tight.

"Thanks so much! I'll see you in a month!" You said as you walked out to Gray.

"Y/n!!! How'd it go?" Gray asked, smiling.

"It feels awful!" You said walking out to the car.

"What all did you get?" Gray asked.

"An expander on top and bottom, my braces tightened, and a herbst appliance." You said, getting in the car.

"Woah you have a lot of metal in your mouth! Does it hurt?" Gray asked.

"Yes, it hurts a lot, especially the expanders." You said.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" Gray asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"No, I honestly just want to go home and rest." You said.

The whole ride home, Gray kept trying to talk to you, but you never really said anything because it hurt. When you got to Gray house, you walked in and laid straight down on Grays bed. Gray followed you.

"Y/n, I'm going to go get some stuff to fix for dinner, I'll be back in about an hour." Gray said as he walked back out.

You fell asleep on his bed after just laying there for a few minutes. Your mouth hurt so bad and you just wanted to rest.

You woke up about 30 minutes later crying. Your mouth had never hurt this bad. You called Gray asking for medicine.

"Gray do you have any ibuprofen or Tylenol?" You asked.

"Oh my gosh y/n, are you okay?" Gray asked concerned.

"No, I'm not I really need some medicine." You said.

Going to the orthodontist with Grayson Dolan Where stories live. Discover now