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Are you ready?


"Lollipop!" Barf Bag scowled, jumping up to reach the small book that Lollipop was waving above her tauntingly.

Just a few minutes ago, she had been on her patio, writing a journal entry while enjoying the fresh air. All of a sudden, Lollipop had appeared from behind her and snatched her journal away, saying, "Well, doesn't this look interesting." and started running wherever that dumb purple candy-head came from in the first place. Since then, Barf Bag had been trying to take her precious journal back.

"Ugh! How– How dare you! That journal is mine!" Barf Bag exclaimed, clearly frustrated as she started to flutter her arms, just a little.

Lollipop frowned. "Oh, this again. Fluttering your arms. Why don't you ever–"

Barf Bag slapped Lollipop so fast that she was caught off guard, and even if it was just for a few seconds, Barf Bag had managed to grab her journal back and was already bolting back to her hotel room when Lollipop snapped out of her daze.

The hard candy stared after the running bag and sighed as a small smile made its way onto her face.

"Having fun stealing Barf Bag's stuff?" A voice came from behind her. Lollipop blinked and turned around, only to find the clumsy yellow ball known as Tennis Ball. He didn't really seem mad, only worried and maybe a tad amused.

Lollipop scoffed, "Oh, TB. Don't you have to go follow GB around or something? I'm sure she needs you to keep her some company like you always do."

Lollipop watched as Tennis Ball turned a light shade of red, failing to hide his obvious embarrassment.

What is he doing here? I've rarely even spoken to him.

Tennis Ball didn't say anything after that. He waddled past Lollipop, looking down as if he were stuck in his own little world, and slowly, he was already getting smaller and smaller in her vision.

Now, if Lollipop was anyone else, she probably would've been curious enough to see where exactly TB was going, sneaking and hiding while following him from the shadows. But Lollipop was Lollipop, and Lollipop rarely cared about anyone but herself.

So when TB walked past her, she decided that he probably went to go find Golf Ball or something else dumb.

As she gazed into the bright, blinding sun, boredom suddenly struck Lollipop like the time Lightning had accidentally zapped her during Leafy's pool party. She pondered what to do for a while and decided to go to Junewood Park, where all her friends would usually hang out at this time.

There was a certain beauty to it; the place the park was built was in its most ethereal state during the end of spring and start of summer, which caused Leafy to notice it's beauty and eventually build one of the most famous parks, ever.

She casually strolled into the park's golden gate entrance, basking in the bright sunlight and the cool wind that passed by. Her attention was immediately caught by Pencil and Match, who were playing spongy-cake, their apparent favorite game.

Lollipop rolled her eyes as they became close enough that she could hear them. "One, two, three, four, who do we think is a stupid annoying bore? Spongy! Spongy!"

Poor Spongy, The hard-headed candy thought with a shake of her purple head. Even I wouldn't go that far, and I'm not exactly known for being the sweetest candy around here.

"You really aren't," Ice Cube said dryly, strutting up to her with her friend Book beside her. Lollipop was confused for a few moments until she realized what had happened. She had said her thoughts out loud!

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