Chapter One: The Darkness That Brings Out Their Fears

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It had been quite a while in the dark sack, and most of the objects had recovered from their initial shock. Woody was still screaming as usual, and Firey too, due to his acrophobia, but other than that the tension was slightly eased, other than all of them being horribly cramped.

Several of the contestants were on top of each other to provide more space. There were a lot of grumbles but everybody kept their cool.

Match and Pencil were forcibly squeezed together, having no choice but to hug each other in fear. Their fellow "iance" members were nowhere to be found, so they stayed together like glue.

Book had flipped herself open and started to quietly read to Ice Cube, who was sitting on top of Eraser while Bubble was nowhere to be found, so everyone assumed she was dead, and with good reason.

Ruby, with no one to talk to due to how crowded it was, had started to murmur some words to herself, in an undetectable language.

Every flammable object was on the opposite side of Firey, just to be safe... Firey was indeed a dangerous hazard.

Even Gelatin had untied his legs from Firey because they were both getting painful cramps.

Leafy's encouraging and calming words were effective and helped everyone to stay sane. Without her, chaos would have still ensued and it would be like all hell broke loose. Although there were still a few objects that needed calming, Leafy was eager to calm one object in particular. Even though Firey was technically unapproachable to her (she could be burned easily), Leafy still shuffled past Pen and Snowball to approach him.

"Hey, Firey... Are you okay?" Leafy said awkwardly as she slowly came up him, trying her best not to be severely burnt. Firey stopped screaming for a second and looked at her, eyes unreadable.

"Uh... I'm not really sure. But I'd like to be left alone. Please?" Firey whispered softly as he looked down at his feet so he wouldn't have to face her.

"Wait- W-What do you mean?" Leafy stuttered nervously, taken aback by Firey's response. She didn't expect him to say that.

"Leafy, what I mean is that I'd rather not talk to anyone right now," Firey replied while still looking down. Although Leafy couldn't see his face, she could tell by his voice that he meant he didn't want to talk to her specifically.

Leafy had always thought she was friends with everyone, especially Firey. She couldn't understand the sudden lack of interest to speak with her.

Once she saw Firey had no interest to continue their conversation, she turned around and walked the other way, wondering about the last time she actually spoke with Firey.

Golf Ball, ever so clever, had started thinking about the reason behind their kidnapping. She tried kicking the side of the bag she was on, but it did almost nothing. Starting to become frustrated and stressed, Golf Ball reluctantly asked Snowball to break them out of this ever-rising bag. As strong as Snowball was, even he couldn't puncture the material making up the bag. Golf Ball shook her head and huddled up against the sack, feeling stuffy from the crowded sack.

Tennis Ball, meanwhile, was a bit uncomfortable due to everyone squishing against him because of how 'fuzzy' he was, but let it happen anyway, knowing everything would be okay in the end.

Pin was outright freaking out. She had started sweating acid and seemed to be on the verge of tears. Coiny looked at her nervously, unsure of what to do. He had always been the calm one of the two friends but he wasn't sure if what he had in mind would work. He, then, decided to go through with it.

The copper coin hesitantly put an arm around her and give her a small squeeze in an attempt to calm her down. Coiny ignored the acid and just focused on cheering her up. Pin began to calm down, her breathing slowing down as she gave Coiny a weak smile. "Thanks, Coiny."

"Move out of my way!" Flower shrieked as she shoved everyone away from where she was sitting. "Have you heard of personal space!? You're ruining my petals!"

Everyone gave the pink, five-petalled flower death looks. Suddenly, they got a brilliant idea to stop Flower's evil tyranny. They all lifted Spongy up and threw him on top of her figure.

"MMMMMPHHHHH!" She screamed as she attempted to throw Spongy off, but failing as she was not strong enough to move the big, yellow sponge out of the way.

"Uh oh!" Spongy cried, as he attempted to get up, "I'm sorry, Flower! Please don't hurt me!"

Spongy somehow got up and looked down at the crushed Flower. Flower twitched her leg and tried to get up, but she fell and stumbled down right away.

"Well!? What are you waiting for, Spongy!? Help me up!" Flower shrieked as Spongy walked over to her and tried his best to help her up, "Ugh! Next time watch where you're going, big head!"

Eraser and Needle finally came over to help her up after it was clear that Spongy couldn't, and Flower brushed off the imaginary dust of her shoulders, throwing another glare at everyone just for good measures.

Gelatin returned to Firey's side and looked at the bright, burning flame beside him, hesitating before he opened his mouth to say something, "Hey, Firey."

"Yeah, Gelatin?" Firey answered back to him in a tired voice. Gelatin didn't know why, but he felt like Firey's tiredness was going to turn into annoyance if this conversation didn't go well.

However, he noticed that Firey looked troubled. If that was the case, then he would surely try to console him and try to talk it out with him. Even if that meant accidentally annoying the brightly burning flame. Gelatin wasn't exactly the best at caring for others.

"I was just wondering..." Gelatin paused before closing his eyes and sighing, then continuing. "I saw you and Leafy talking. Why did you treat Leafy like that? I mean, I thought you guys used to be best friends."

Gelatin may not seem like the most caring guy, but he was truly worried about his pal. Firey was his closest friend and he wanted to make sure he was okay.

Firey froze and hesitated for a few seconds, long enough for Gelatin to notice. It seemed he was about to say something. Firey quickly returned to his tired expression and rolled his eyes at Gelatin. Gelatin gave the burning flame a confused glance, looking for an explanation.

"It's... nothing, Gelatin," Firey mumbled as he fidgeted with his fingers, "I mean, you're my best friend now, right? Let's not worry about Leafy problems, shall we?"

Firey punched Gelatin in the arm, a little too hard. Gelatin rubbed his arm as he gave Firey an anxious smile. It didn't seem Firey wanted to open up to him right now. Gelatin decided to let it go because he was still Gelatin, and Gelatin didn't want to go through any drama.

"Yeah okay, Firey," Gelatin sighed as he moved his glance to Leafy, (who seem to be troubled about her earlier conversation with Firey) wondering about their history that he had never really been told about, "If you say so."

Suddenly, a loud crunch was heard, and Golf Ball stepped on top of Spongy to be heard. "Guys! The altitude has suddenly changed, I think we are landing!"

"Oh no!" Pin exclaimed, shutting her eyes tight. They were all going to land, and now even Golf Ball didn't know what to do. What would happen to them?

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