Chapter Two: Fallen Contestants

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After Golf Ball's analysis of the situation, the objects felt the sack getting roughly shoved onto hard ground, effectively popping Bubble(Who turned out to be alive before she was popped), shattering Ice Cube and Ruby, and even spilling Teardrop. GB was right, they had landed, and it hadn't been a very safe one.

Book gasped, heartbroken by her three of her friend's deaths. "What are we going to do?" She questioned. "Four of us have already died!"

"That's not the main problem at hand," Pen said shakily, being shook after Ice Cube had shattered right on top of him. "We should probably find a way to get out of here first, then find a Recovery Center or HPRC."

Leafy gave a hopeful smile. "You're right, Pen. We'll find a way to get out of here, I believe in you, everyone!" All the contestants started mumbling amongst themselves about ideas on how to get out. Some started making plans.

"Hey, I just remembered, I actually have a knife here," Leafy said shyly, bringing out a small, shining knife. "Maybe we can use it to get out."

Pin narrowed her eyes and stepped back. So did Puffball, Bomby, Pencil, Match, Flower, Fries, Needle, and Gelatine. Even Firey looked away.

Golf Ball broke the awkward silence. "I'll be using that then." She snatched the knife from Leafy.

"But, you don't have arms. Maybe I should--"

"Leafy, be glad we're even staying this close to you. Some of us still don't trust you, you know." Flower sneered from the corner she was sitting at. She was looking away, but her voice was defiant.

"Says you," Match scoffed, standing up and looking at Flower angrily. "In like, the BFDI finale, you killed like, Bubble and a bunch of other objects. You're like, the one who we shouldn't trust."

"Yeah, Flower." Pencil taunted.

"But you guys killed me too!" Flower protested.

"Leafy is much more dangerous than Flower is. She betrayed all of us, scared us in the dark forest, and then tried to kill us multiple times. She didn't even try apologizing to anyone." Pin said bitterly.

Leafy averted her eyes to the bottom of the sack.

"But technically, Flower is more dangerous because unlike Leafy, she killed people intentionally! Leafy usually killed by accident. And don't forget, the original BFDI contestants provoked her into becoming Evil Leafy, which caused the killing spree in the first place. Specifically an orange flame creature that we all know." Book snapped, finally speaking up and resorting to logic instead of bias.

"She stole Dream Island, which rightfully belonged to Firey!" Pen called out from behind Eraser.

"Hey, don't bring me into this!" Firey said, coughing.

"Yeah, don't bring Firey into this, because he's just a coward who can't face the fact that everything was his fault." Coiny burst out, mockingly.

It was so silent you could hear Pin drop.

"He's right, you know. The only reason Leafy even turned evil, wasn't able to participate is BFDIA, and tried to kill everyone was because Firey, her best friend at that time, rejected her from Dream Island when he left everyone else, even his enemy, me. Then everyone, including her friends chased her down and cornered her into talking to them. So I think maybe you all should see her side of the story before you berate her." Coiny argued, turning heads and catching Firey's shocked expression. He usually wasn't this serious, but this time he was fed up with everyone talking about the poor green leaf like that.

Firey was still surprised that Coiny had called him out like that, especially to defend Leafy, who he wasn't even friends with. 

Gelatine nodded in agreement. 

He was hurt by the lime-flavored jello, although deep down, there was a part of him that admits it might have been his fault that, and what Coiny said was kind of right. He watched as Gelatine went to sit beside Leafy.

"If you want, I can use the knife for you." Gelatine offered, slightly hesitant to talk to the lonely looking Leafy.

"Oh yeah, uh I guess you should. Here, take it." She held out the knife to Gelatine, who noticed the little leaf shape on the hilt of the blade.

Gelatine stepped closer to the end of the sack and put his hands on the edge to stable himself, then stabbed it write where it was sewn. He forced the knife to go down, and slowly, the bag had created a small hole.

"Make it bigger!" Spongy said, muffled by Flower, Pencil, and Match, who were leaning on him.

The lime-flavored jello started to cut a big hole where he previously had a small one. Soon there was a hole so big even Songy could fit through it. Gelatine leaned on the side of the hole as he casted all the objects a questioning glance, mentally asking if it was big enough.

Everyone cheered for Gelatine.

The contestants had started to flood out through the hole, but it was quite a mess, from what Gelatin saw.

Firey was pushed out first to prevent anyone from burning, screaming as he landed face first onto the ground of whatever it was they arrived on.

Tennis Ball, Golf Ball and Snowball all lost balanced and tumbled out of the hole, bumping into each other a few times as well as the others.

Flower shoved everyone past her claiming, she was the most important, therefore, she should reach safety first.

The rest sighed and followed, chattering excitedly.

As soon as everyone was out of the bag, their excitement immediately went out like Firey's flame when Teardrop melted him. Because even though they got out of a claustrophobic area, what they were in now might have been even worse.

It seemed like a room. A very, boringly plain room with nothing in it. The walls were sad and gray, almost silver. There was one other companion in the room. A large box, that was a nice tan brown. It was as tall as two contestants, and about as wide as two as well. It was definitely a box, but what was inside?

"Hey, look!" Pencil shouted, everyone giving her an uninterested glance before turning back to look at the box.

"Grr!" She growled. "It's fine if you dumbos don't want to listen but I just want to let you know that the bag that brought us here-- it disappeared!"

The crowd gasped.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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