Ch. 12

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Peter's POV

Mondays were always pretty awful to begin with, but the Monday you have to return to school after not being there for over a week is the worst. Ned had gotten all my homework to me on Friday night when we went out for Thai and I had been able to finish it over the weekend, but I still wasn't looking forward to school.

"Come on, kid," Tony said, passing a plate with buttered toast and a store bought muffin towards me. "Eat up. I have to head out to the compound today, so I can't take you to school or come get you after. You can ride the subway though, right?" I nodded, biting into my toast. "Alright. If you need anything at all, call me and I'll be there." I nodded again.

"Are you leaving now?" I asked as he walked towards the elevator. Tony glanced at his watch and nodded. "Bye!"

"See you later, Pete," Tony said. He stepped into the elevator and I was alone. I didn't really mind, but it was the first time I had been alone since May's death. I pushed the thought out of my head and finished my breakfast. Even though I would get to school early, I still grabbed my backpack and walked out of the tower at 7:15. It would only take about 30 minutes on the subway to get to school, but I didn't mind being early. Ned would probably be early, too.

* * *

Morning classes were boring as always. At lunch, I found myself sitting with Ned and MJ. Flash hadn't bothered me yet today, but that didn't mean he wouldn't at all. Lunch was usually a safe time, but I guess today wasn't a good day.

"Hey, Penis," Flash said, walking towards our table. I just sighed and set down my sandwich. MJ didn't even look up from her book but Ned found a sudden interest in the table. "I heard Auntie May died. It must suck being homeless."

"I'm not homeless, Flash," I told him, picking my sandwich back up. "I'm living with a friend." Flash snorted in disbelief and smirked, crossing his arms as he stood over me.

"Are you living with Tony Stark?" he taunted. I didn't answer, but that must have been enough for him. "It's only a few days before he decides to kick you to the streets. He's not gonna keep you around forever, Parker." I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore him. "He'll leave your sorry arse out on the streets just like May did. I bet she faked her death to get rid of you." I was too shocked to do anything, but MJ wasn't. She was out of her seat before I could blink and had her hand on Flash's collar.

"Say that again and I will personally ruin your life," she threatened. Flash didn't move. He almost seemed afraid of her. "You know what will happen if you ever bother any of us again, so I suggest you leave while you still can." He nodded and, as soon as she let him go, raced off to find his friends. MJ sat back down, going back to her book while Ned and I just stared at her.

"What was that?" I asked. MJ glanced up at me.

"Nothing," she answered. "Don't listen to him. He's just jealous he doesn't know Mr. Stark." I nodded, focusing on my sandwich. I was still confused about what had gone down between her and Flash, but I knew she wouldn't tell me so I didn't bother asking.

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