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    Elsie's POV

  Here I am. Elsie Stewart. Age, seventeen. Sitting on Cole Everstien's couch. This is totally how I imagined my senior year would go. Lets just hope that today, just this one day. Out of my whole life, I won't make a fool out of myself again. I've been sitting here for about ten minutes since he said that line that ruined my day, ruined my week, ruined my year, or probably also ruined my life. He said, 

"I told you, you aren't done with me yet Ele." Those words alone sent shivers down my spine, but I he hasn't said anything after because he got this "oh so important" call that he "absolutely had to take under no circumstances could he not take this call." This guy really gets on my nerves, I'll tell you that.  So, I've been sitting on my least favorite person in the entire universe's couch. I took this time of him being on the phone to take a look around. His home was very nicely decorated, almost like royalty. At least that's how I see it. It seemed like everything had a place, and nothing was out of its place.

  I saw that there was no pictures at all, zero family pictures. None. I think that's quite odd, but whatever. I'm not judging. I just think that its odd, that I'm sitting in the family room, and there is no sign of "family". Meh, not gonna dwell on that while I'm sitting in freaking Cole Everstien's family room. What has my life come to? I mean, it's not like I enjoy being here, it's just that I had no other choice. Where's a time machine when I need one?

    He stomps coming back into the room with a fake smile plastered across his face. I wonder what happened. I mean, not really, he isn't important. He sits back down on the couch quite angrily and stayed silent for a moment. I stayed quiet too, thinking he needed this quiet time to think. The silence is literally killing me. Well, not really, but you get the point. All of a sudden, I started to chuckle. I lifted my hand to my mouth trying to suppress the sound. He looked up to me, looking concerned. 

  "What are you laughing at?" Cole says, searching my face for answers. Oh my lord I can't believe I did this. I opened my mouth and just laughed. Crying as well. Great. Way to embarrass yourself in front of the most popular guy in school. He begins laughing with me while I start to calm down. 

  "Your laugh is super contagious, you know." He says, while still smiling at me. He can be a sweetheart sometimes. Did I just think that? No, I can't stand you. That's better. 

    "Are you just going to ignore me again? Just like you did when I met you in class?" He asks me, I guess he needs someone to talk to... I think? 

   "I didn't mean to..." I say trailing off. Looking down. Why do I feel embarrassed again? It's not like he's going to judge me and tell all of his friends about this moment. Oh. My. God. I'm literally hyperventilating right now. This can't be good. 

  "Well..." He says softly looking slightly hurt. Man, he looks so broken like that. I sigh and look down again focusing on the fluffy gray carpet under my feet. I could see his frown increase. Shoot. I have to fix this, I know that I'm not supposed to care about his feelings, but we are neighbors... shoot. What have I done? 

   "What's wrong? You were so happy before I complemented you. Did I do something wrong? I was just trying to enlighten the mood." A tight frown appeared on his face.

  "I'm sorry." I mouth to him. A frown across my face too. All of a sudden, he stands up and takes my hand.

   "What are you doing?" I ask him, in complete shock.

  "Well, I'm going to take you out, like to the park or something. Just to get out of the house. Not on a date or anything." He says, rubbing his neck. 

  "Alright." I say.

  "But on one condition." I say, a cheeky smile spreads on my face.

   "Sure, what is it?" He tells me, smiling.

  "We have to ride the motorcycle there." I say, with a triumphant smile. I'm not supposed to like him, let alone hang out with him, but I'm gonna do it anyways. He is my neighbor after all. It would be like, getting to know the neighbors and all.  Laughing, he agrees to take me out via motorcycle. Score!


  We were at the park for a good couple of hours. I'd say about two. Then, he turned to me and said there was something important he needed to tell me. I sat up from laying in the grass, and scooted closer to him, waiting for him to tell me. 

  "You have to promise not to be mad at me."  He says looking down to avoid eye contact. 

  "I promise." I say. I reached over to his hand and squeezed it.

   "Alright. Here goes nothing. So, you said you got locked out of your house right?" He asks me, still looking down. 

  "Yes, I did get locked out. Why?" I say. Looking him in the eyes as I raised my eyebrows at him.

  Laughing, he said. "Well, I may be the reason you got locked out. You see, I went to your locker today to say hi, but I saw a key hanging out of your locker so, I took it. I was going to return it to you after school, so, here it is." He says to me, holding out the key.

  "You little-" I tell him, slugging him in the shoulder as we both laughed. He really makes it hard to hate him when he's such a likeable person. Another hour or so passes while we were still at the park, and it was starting to get dark. Apparently I had drifted off to sleep at some point, because when I woke up, I had my head resting on his shoulder.  

  "When did I fall asleep Cole?" I say moving away from him, slightly uncomfortable about what happened. 

   "You didn't have to move. I was going to let you sleep until you woke up, so I could drive you back home." He says smiling at me. 

  "By the way love, It's almost nine. Past your bedtime?" He says chuckling. Ugh. Why does this boy pull all of my heart strings?

  So? Did you guys like it? Should I keep writing this book? Should I stop? Tell me what you thought of it and what I can improve on to make my writing better! I really hope you guys enjoyed it! 

Xoxo Serena

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