it was SUCH a last minute decision, but its gonna be like a light blonde (': my parents' brother think it's a horrible idea and a lot of my friends think it's a great idea so we'll see where this goes. i don't really care either way, worst comes to worst i wear a beanie or something for the next few months.
but about today, it was another good day?? i wouldn't say as good as the last 2 days, but still not bad. really wish i didn't go to school, however because it was a half day and i only went to 1 actual class out of the 5 periods we had. i also saw the girl i keep mentioning, and me being my awkward, annoying ass self i didn't make eye contact or say hi and i felt bad afterwards.
am i over reacting? possibly. probably.
but after school, which ended at 10:30a-freaking-m, i got home, ate some food, watched some youtube and went to take a nap. i wish i took a longer nap though. i was so dreadfully tired for track and was just NOT having it. BUTTTTT TOMORROW NO PRACTICE AND DYING HAIR WHOOP.
also totally random but i like strained a muscle in my ass or some shit like that. it hurts.
i also had work today after track, and i've been having a shortness of breath lately??? i really don't know why and am slightly worried, because today i was feeling light-headed at work from the excess breathing. i thought maybe it was because i'm dehydrated but i went to go drink water and it did nothing for me so. i dunno i'm probably dying but who cares anyways
also my mom is convinced im turning into a guy because i like/d a girl and im just a lazy lil shit, so she compares my lazyness to guys its quite funny. so what if my hair is short(ish), im lazy, and i like/d a girl? oh well.
as you can also tell i have no idea what my emotions are so like/d is what we're going with. do i still like her? i dunno. probably. i'll most likely end up getting over her after i move but what's two months amiright? anyways, this is kinda short but like i said no one actually reads these and this is more for my sanity anyways. a healthy way of venting? i dunno, probably not but better then doing it on instagram!!
au revoir.
diary of a sad boy
Teen Fictionplot twist: im a girl this is just the daily life of me bc i need somewhere to rant so why not here?? if you wanna see low quality, but somewhat relatable content, continue reading. if not that's cool too.