Shit african/black parents say and do

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Shit black/african parents say and do!

- Eeeeeh

- Oh oh oh

- Jesus christ

- *chew*

- Mark it on the wall

- You will see what I'll do to you

- Shut up!

- Don't make me slap you

- *whips out belt quicker than u can lightning*

- says all the names of your siblings, when they're actually calling for you

-talks loudly in the telephone

- they call you lazy when they are the ones who are lazy.

- talks hours on the phone

- I'm not your classmate/brother/friend

- Taking out the trash or doing the dishes is never their problem

- dad is always shirtless

- You can never win an argument against them, its really pointless to argue

- your aunts are the best and you sometimes ask why you mom couldn't be like her

- never seems to be satisfied with what you do

- insults you in their mother tongue

- Cleans the house every sunday mostly saturday

- they change personality when guests are over

- fake laugh

- they never like your friends


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