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March 21st, 2018 10:15
8lbs 11ounces

The most beautiful little girl was born
I now have the family I have always dreamt of, a man that's thoughtful, quiet and loud, protective, agrees and argues, loving and forgiving, faithful. People he has it ALL. He has these eyes that just look into u I swear and hair that tries to stay tangled it honestly tries to. His smile will light up the darkest planet like a frikking Christmas tree (have I mentioned yet that y'alls so called Jesus wasn't even born on Christmas? It started out a pagan holiday)
Anywhoo... our little girl has his eyes and ears and my nose and both our dirty blonde hair. And his family? My one day in laws? Oh my...words cannot explain, they are a huge mess of loud loving chaotic messy loving people, I said loud Right? It's too perfect I've fallen in love with not just him but his family, of course I have lived with them for almost a year now...i still can't believe it's been that long, I still remember the moment I met him, what he looked like and what he was wearing. I remember the second and third time too, and every moment after that. My favorite memory I was sitting with him at this little park he brought me too when I went over-he had just woken up and he had to watch his little brother so he woke him up too and we all went. Now there was this thing he and I sat on (his nickname is Superman not by me but it fits) I'm going to explain the best I can but forgive me if you don't understand, it's like those things on the playground you can get people to push you on and it goes around in a circle except it was larger and it had rope you could climb an sit on. We were there for an hour maybe longer but it felt like 5 minutes, I kept asking him questions trying to get him to talk about himself which I didn't think worked out too well but looking back now I think it did, then his little brother (G) asked if we were dating, I didn't know what to say but hoped that we could be. When we got back we played call of duty and I killed him and he said hey you killed me! And I leaned back in his lap looking up at him and I said "that's the point" and almost like we had rehearsed it he leaned down and kissed me and we continued playing.

I know this part was supposed to be about Karma but I got caught up in talking about Superman, and there's not too much to say about Karma yet since she's only 5weeks old right now

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