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You're drunk, the carpet is burned
I hate to find you like this
I always find you like this
I come home and clean up your mess
what would you do without that?
why do I always come back?
Oh, what I wouldn't do for you!

And I'm startin' to think that maybe
you need me
maybe you need me
always thinking that
maybe you need me.

Some nights I want to run for the hills
It's never easy with you
I cannot reason with you
but your smile, as rare as it comes
what would I do without that?
maybe that's why I come back
oh, what I wouldn't do for you!

And I'm startin' to think that
maybe you need me
always thingking that maybe
you need me
maybe you need me
startin' to think we were made for each other
but one of us in this relationship is raisin' the other
you remind me of my grandfather
we drive one another crazy as each other
and we're both adults, so there's no excuse
for the games that we play with each other
where you at? At a friend's? No, you ain't, mothafucker!
but I give her the benefit of the doubt
whenever the doubt kicks in, shiver when I touch her
'cause I love her so much, I'm a sucker
how her bottom lip can quiver when she's in trouble
she's in hot water, think I caught her cheatin' again
give her another chance? Another one after that?
I'm swimmin' in that egyptian river, 'cause I'm in denial
say I don't eat shit, but I got a shit-eatin' grin when I smile
makin' an excuse for us to act it out
she's just actin' out with her inner child
then I set the truth on fire 'cause I'd rather believe a lie
then I breathe a sigh of relief, I don't believe in
goin' to bed mad, I keep on tryin' to make a bad girl good
but haven't I stood by you in good times?
and bad? I'm startin' to feel like your goddamn dad
'cause I literally feel like you could die ever should I
leave you for good so never would I
It'd be all bad, never understood why they call it goodbye but I think I'm a pretty damn good guy
and you're a good person too
I can save you, I can make you change
but I keep puttin' my fuckin' foot in my mouth
every time I gotta come and bail you out
when you get in trouble that you get yourself in
I'm in trouble, but I can't leave, I'll sell you out
I could never turn my fuckin' back on you, what is that?
I'm co-dependent, I'm just now noticin' it
but somehow it's like every time I'm about to go to end it
I ain't got the cojones to do it, nor the heart
our apartment's tore apart
you're usin' my heart for a dartboard
but god must've aligned stars for us
'cause somebody paired us up
and they say he ain't capable of makin' a mistake
but this one's perfect, 'cause I'm startin' to think that maybe you need me
maybe you need me
maybe you need me
yeah I m always thinking that maybe you need me
maybe you need me


✒T e k u j i

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