1- the actual story

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"it's way too loud" she screamed, Dany thought for a second before yelling at Alex to turn it down, only to have Alex look at her with a questioning glance, it was like he never heard her say anything. alex finally turned it down and said: "this party had a good turnout!" "Yeah, well I gotta go I have work in the morning" Dany replied to Alex's statement.liza went to scream at Alex but she couldn't as she has a sore throat " I blame you for my sore throat you asshole!" Liza moaned quietly, whilst pointing at Alex, Liza then noticed how Dany was getting ready to go, "hey, Dany wait up I'll walk with you!" Liza yelled at Dany who had started to walk away, but what Liza didn't notice was that Dany had her headphones in and was listening to music.

Dany had started to walk towards her car, she hadn't heard what Liza said to her, so when she reached the car her phone buzzed and when she had turned her phone on she saw that she had got a message from Alex saying ' please can you make sure that Liza get home safely' as soon as Dany saw the message she started to panic, she looked around her but much to her disappointment, Dany got into her car and tried to turn it on, but unfortunately her car had broken down.

Dany thought of what she could do, after thinking for a while she decided to text Alex that she couldn't find Liza, but when she sent it, she realized she didn't have a network connection or any mobile data. since Dany couldn't message or call anyone, she started to walk home, with no light to guide her, she only had the little amount of light that the moon and stars were giving her. she slowly wandered through the woods, when she suddenly stopped and realized she didn't know where she was going or if she going in the correct way, towards her home, after thinking about it for a while, Dany decided to walk until she found a road, because she knew that there was a road nearby.

As soon as Dany started walking again, she had decided to turn off her music so she could listen out for cars that were driving along the nearby road. After a few minutes of walking, she heard a branch snap behind her and her mind immediately thought to itself ' this is the end, this is where I die alone in the woods' Dany tried to shake these thoughts from her head. she started walking faster in an attempt to get away from the people following her, but unfortunately for her she could still hear the footsteps and the paced breathing behind her.

Dany could feel the people behind her, walking faster to catch up to her, suddenly she felt a hand grasp her wrist, she tried her hardest to break free from the extremely strong grip that her wrist was trapped in, one of the voices of her 'kidnappers' spoke up saying " Dany calm down its only me and Alex" once Dany heard this voice say that she slowly started to calm down more.

when Dany finally looked up she saw her two best friends, who she had gone to the party with, faces staring back at her with a panicked look, Liza hugged Dany to calm her down more, whilst Alex said "we saw that your car had broken down, so we got the camping gear out of my car" "yeah we were thinking that we could stay here tonight" Liza commented after alex had finished speaking " but what about my work" Dany questioned, only to be told not to worry and that Alex and Liza had sorted everythink out with Dany's boss. And with all of this sorted the set up the camping gear and went to sleep after a few rounds of truth or dare.

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