Meeting The Losers

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would just like to remind everyone who reads my stories that they are all based in modern day and everyone involved is of the legal age :)

*Y/N P.O.V.*

My mum and stepdad had recently been offered new job placements, so me being their teenage daughter, obviously means that I have to move with them. I have to move house, school, leave my friends AGAIN! This was the 2nd time this year. Apparently this is going to be permanent, which I hope it was.

We were moving to a small town called Derry, I had researched it and it was basically a ghost town, there were loads of news articles about missing kids. That was just great, maybe I'll go missing too.

I guess I could take this opportunity to re-invent my image. Nobody here knows who I am, for all they know I could be a homicidal maniac, right?

It was my first day of school, I wasn't nervous or scared, I was going to make a reputation for myself, plus I needed to make some friends.

I got dressed, and grabbed my bag, phone and keys.

"I'm going." I shouted before checking myself in the mirror that was placed by the front door.

"Do you want me to drive you there? You know since it's your first day and all, I don't want you being late because you've got lost somewhere." My mum asked, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

"No, it's fine. Thank you though. I'll phone you later." I smiled, hugging her and shouting my good byes to Steven, the stepfather.

I didn't mind walking, it was a beautiful day, plus yesterday I went exploring and kind of got the hang of shortcuts and paths, like I say it's only a small town. I put my headphones in and pressed shuffle.

*Anthrax - Antisocial*

I turned the music up to it's loudest setting and started walking, I turned a corner and saw a group of 4 boys. They were laughing and smiling, messing about. One boy with brown hair and glasses playfully pushed a smaller boy with darker hair into the road, causing a car to swerve and the driver to shout abuse at them. I removed my headphones, wanting to see how the kids would have reacted.

"Woah, she was more pissed than your Mom when I had to leave her last night, Eddie."

"Fuck off Richie."

I was quite close behind them and the statement had made me laugh, this caused them to turn around and look at me.

"Sorry, I wasn't being nosey." I smiled, hoping they weren't gonna shout at me for eavesdropping or something.

"It's f-f-fine." a taller boy with light brown hair and an obvious stutter chirped up after a few seconds of silence, I smiled in return.

"Are you new here?" The boy with light curly hair asked.

"Well obviously if WE haven't seen her before." The boy with glasses said.

"And why's that? Does every new kid have to check in with you first, because if so then I do apologise but I wasn't aware." I commented in a sarcastic tone and smirked at the 4 eyed boy, before turning to the other one. "Yeah, I'm new, I got here late on Friday night."

"Ignore him, nice to meet you. I'm Eddie, this is stuttering Bill, Stan the Jew and Richie Trashmouth Tozier." The small boy introduced everyone.

"I'm Y/N, and it's nice to meet you to." I shook his hand.

The boys asked me if I wanted to walk with them and I agreed. They were really funny guys and the same age as me, but unfortunately they weren't in any of my classes, they told me who to avoid.

"If you're not a sweaty, two faced, ugly chode look-a-like then you're going to want to stay away from Gretta." Richie said, causing us all to laugh.

As we neared the school, a lot more kids came into view.

"Oh, and The Bowers Gang!" Said Eddie, swallowing a lump in his throat.

"Who are they?" I laughed at the name of the so called gang.

"Them." Eddie pointed towards a blue car, it was parked opposite the school entrance and 4 boys stood around it, talking and looking around.

"Don't m-m-make it obvious that you're w-watching them." Bill suggested, I personally didn't care if the Bowers boys or whatever they're called wanted to shout at me, but I had to respect Bill, he seemed a little uncomfortable as we neared them.

"The one with bleached hair, that's Victor Criss. The fat one with the hat, Reginald Huggins, but nobody calls him that not even the teachers." Richie stated.

"What do they call him then?" I furrowed my brows.

"Belch, don't ask. You really don't wanna know." Stanley interrupted.

"That tall, lanky mess. Patrick Hockstetter, total psychopath, and that mullet wearing asshole is Henry Bowers." Richie informed me.

"As in the same mullet wearing asshole walking towards us?" I giggled a bit, noticing that Bill, Eddie and Stanley had stopped walking.

"We're gonna go this way round, see ya later." Eddie said quickly, before walking off with the others.

"Pussies!" Richie shouted towards them, and we carried on walking.

"Try not to take anything they say to heart, Y/N." Richie gave me a small smile. I linked arms with him and he squeezed me.

"Well, what do we have here?" Henry looked me up and down.

"A beautiful girl, now back off Bowers." Richie said in a protective tone.

"Watch it Trashmouth, you wouldn't want us to stand on your head now, would you." Henry said, giving Richie a push backwards, causing him to disconnect from me. The use of Richie's nickname made me giggle a little bit.

"What are you laughing at , Princess?" Henry asked, putting his fingers on my cheek.

"Just the fact that you must be so fucking insecure about yourself that you feel the need to bully others, sad really isn't it Richie." I smiled, his friends had now surrounded me and Richie.

"Yeah, he's insecure about his tiny dick." Richie chuckled, this had obviously hit a nerve because Henry flew at Richie.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He spat, pinning Richie against the brick wall, by the collar of his shirt.

"He said that you have a tiny dick, and I'll tell you a secret, those jeans aren't doing you any favours. Now back the fuck up." I smiled, grabbing him by the crotch, pushing him back.

"Stay the fuck out of my way, Princess or else you're going to fucking regret it!" He whispered in my ear, before purposely pushing into my shoulder.

"Agh, oh no. I'm so scared." I laughed.

Patrick looked at me, licking his lips and winking. What a weirdo.

I watched them and made sure that they were out of sight before turning to Richie.

"You okay?" I asked, handing him his bag.

"I think I love you, you're like a superhero... But a savage. A hot savage superhero. I want a comic series based on it." We both giggled and walked into the large building.

Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now