Nikola Jokić farts while playing Uno.
The Jokić brothers were playing uno while Branislav is watching them play. They were enjoying the game, eating snacks and some stuff like that.
Nemanja Jokić: Šta? Ja sam blokiran. (What? I'm blocked.)
Strahinja Jokić: Moj red. (My turn.)
Nikola Jokić: Da li si ozbiljan? ponovo se okrećeš. (Are you serious? You get a turn again.)
Strahinja Jokić: yep.
Moment later,
Nikola farts during the Uno game.
Nemanja Jokić: Šta koga Nikola? Zašto čujem farting? (What the heck Nikola? Why do I hear farting?)
Nikola Jokić: Vi ste krivi što ste to isticali na meni. (It's your fault that you pointed it out on me.)
Nemanja Jokić: Šta? Ne zato što si fartirao. (What? No because you farted.)
Nikola Jokić: Ti lažove. Znao sam da dolazi negde. (You liar. I knew it was coming from somewhere.)
Strahinja Jokić: Vi se uvek borite. (You guys are always fighting.)
Nemanja Jokić: Moja greška. (My bad.)
Branislav Jokić: znate da morate prestati da se bore. (You guys know you have to stop fighting.)
Nikola Jokić: Izvinjavam se. (Sorry.)
Nemanja Jokić farts after his younger brother Nikola did.
Nikola Jokić: Šališ se? (You kidding me?)
Nemanja Jokić: Šta? Žao mi je. Bila je nesreća da sam pustio prdnjenje. (What? Oh, I'm sorry. It was an accident that I let out a fart.)
Nikola Jokić: To Nemanja je čudak. (That Nemanja is a weirdo.)
Nemanja farted twice
Nikola Jokić: Nemanja ponovo? kako treba da se koncentrišete na igranje uno ako nastavite da prdiš? (Nemanja again? how are you supposed to concentrate on playing uno if you keep farting?)
Nemanja Jokić: Pa Nikola, nisam mogao to da pomognem. ti si se žalio kada mi je u pitanju farting u isto vrijeme. (Well Nikola, I couldn't help it. you were the one complaining when it comes to me farting at the same time.)
Nikola Jokić: Onda se čak ni ne žalite. Čak ni ne znaš šta se događa. Samo se fokusirajte na kartu, tako da će biti bolje. (Then, don't even complain. You don't even know what is going on. Just focus on the card game, so that it will be better.)
Nemanja Jokić: 😏.
Nikola Jokić: 😑.
Playing Uno (Warning Nemanja Farted.)
Nikola Jokić: Hajde da sviramo UNO. (Okay, let's play uno.)
Strahinja Jokić: Da, i samo glave gore, Nemanja je fartirao. (Just a heads up, Nemanja farted.)
Nikola Jokić: Jebi ga! Nemanja. Za ime Boga? (Yuck! Nemanja. What the heck?)
Nemanja Jokić: 😂😂😂.
Nikola, Nemanja and Strahinja: Camping trip
AventurăThe three Jokić brothers going on a camping trip with randomness all around. This is the back story of Nikola before he met Jamal Murray. Find out what happens.