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It's nearly 2am when there is a knock on the door to my studio apartment. Throwing on a robe and my glasses, I waddle to the door with childish slews of mumbles and grumbles. My hair is sticking out on the sides and my eyes are barely open. I don't even check the peephole as I swing open the front door.

But no one is there.

"The fuck..."

There is, however, a little package sitting on my welcome mat.

Nothing immediately screams danger to me, so I pick it up. It's a small brown box with a piece of tan twine holding together the four sides. A little white tag is tied to the knot on the top, and when I flip it around it reads:

To our future star.

I don't know if I'm dreaming or not, but this seems sketchy as hell.

I pout my lips and quickly look around hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever decided to leave this weird present on my step. But the streets are only noisy from typical city sounds and one random drunk guy walking across from my building. Other than that, it seems like the early morning on a weekday with nothing exciting going on, and nothing overly suspicious.

I tug my rob around me a little tighter and go back inside.

I flick on the kitchen light and grab some scissors from the drawer and cut the twine. I really hope this isn't a bomb...

Opening the box, I wrinkle my nose at what's inside.

It's a simple Polaroid picture of nothing too interesting at first. It looks like a warehouse with one dim light hanging from a low ceiling. There is a skylight on the roof that shows the moon through the window. I flip it over. On the back there are simple words scribbled in simple black writing.

You should have just gotten the ice cream.

"What the fuck..."

My first thought is that Jungkook is behind this and he is being a child again.

My second more paranoid thought has me running to my room to grab my phone.

| Wake up punk
| Come on, I know you are there
| Where are you?
| Did you follow me home?
| Why did you send this to me?

| Hyung...

| What is your issue??

| Help me

| What could you possibly need help with??

| I...don't know where I am
| I'm bleeding

| I don't even believe you
| You need to stop bothering me
| If you want to be friends then act like a normal fucking person
| Don't take weird pictures of me
| Or stalk me
| Or send me packages in the middle of the night
| Okay?
| ...
| ...
| Jungkookie...

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