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I walk into the coach's office on Monday after my morning classes. He's an average looking man who is fit and talented, and I've known him for a very long time. When I was in high school, he coached the JV team as well, and when he met me he promised me good things. Though, what could he really do for me? Unfortunately, being a coach placed him in the same boat as the players themselves...he was good at his job, but that didn't mean he could run off to the NBA in the states if he felt like it. Instead, he was stuck coaching some silly high schoolers and a college that didn't make the news.

Until now.

"I'm proud of you," he slaps me hard on the back and I wince with a grin. "No one with your talent has come through these doors in years,"

We take a seat at the desk and it's obvious he wants to talk to me about the insanity of the game we had on Friday. I'm not really sure what to say and probably should have practiced lying about the real reason why so many people seemed interested in the game.

I gulp, hoping not to show my anxiety.

"Two records in one night! I'm so impressed. I hope you can continue to bring your A game even when we go to our away games,"

"Of course. I'll keep it up. I've never let you guys down before, have I?" I say back. The coach nods and his smile is contagious. It feels good to have someone be proud of me.

I haven't even heard from my parents yet.

"Listen Yoongi," the coach doesn't waste any time and gets into the real reason he's called me in to this meeting. "This weekend at our away game, I managed to set up a journalist to interview you. Now, she's nothing big. In fact she hasn't ever run a full story yet but...I think getting some sort of background information on you out to the media would be good. Don't you think?"

"I guess so," I shrug. "The more they know about me the better?"

"Well, not too much. You don't want the whole world knowing your deepest darkest secrets just yet," he winks.

"How'd you find this journalist?" I ask.

"Actually, a past student of mine recommended her. This could be a big break for her career as well so, why not two birds with one stone. Right?"

"Is she experienced? I mean, shouldn't I be waiting for someone with a little more pull in the media to spill my story?" I try not to show too much doubt in his advice.

"Let's just see how this goes, yeah? You aren't already getting into your head are you?"

"No sir,"

"Good! Practice hard this week. See you on the court,"

I don't feel overly confident leaving his office. In fact, I feel ten times more nervous about being interviewed in general. What if I'm really boring and everyone hates me? What if I play terribly and everyone laughs? These are stupid thoughts that consume me as I head down the hallway to the gym.

I have to remind myself that I deserve this chance.

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