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After a quick shower, I slip my rings on my fingers and adjust my snapback before taking one last look in the mirror at myself. I'm exhausted but in the best kind of way -- the kind of way that makes me feel youthful and alive. We're only on a two game winning streak, but I know this is only the beginning. I have Namjoon to thank for this. And I'll make sure that he knows how thankful I am after it's all said and done and the season is over, even if he is super shady and sort of makes me feel like I'm breaking the law. Tonight's turn out was more than I could have asked for. Even after checking local social media pages, my face is everywhere.

Old friends and family members have already started messaging me in congratulations. A video that was shared to the schools facebook page had thousands of views and likes. It seems surreal in just a short amount of time to maybe be getting the recognition I deserve.


I grab my wallet and room key and slip my phone into my pocket. I'm starving and dinner is waiting with my best friend.

I open the door to my hotel room.


Park Jimin is on the other side.

I slam it shut.

"Hey! Come on!" Jimin starts knocking at the door as I step away from it like it's laced with the plague. " up. Please?"

I don't know what to do so I just stand there for a second looking at the door imagining Jimin on the other side, and it's honestly my worst nightmare. I like to think I'm a tough guy, and I've molded my exterior to be quite efficient in deflecting emotions that are anything but pleasant. But just knowing he is there make me want to break down.

I never wanted to see him again.

Memories come pouring in through my weakness. Knowing he was in another city after our breakup was one thing and made it easier to get over him. But now...

"Yoongi..." Jimin is talking to me and his voice is muffled but I can tell the sweet tone, and it hasn't changed one bit. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything,"

I don't care what he has to say. I don't want to hear his pathetic excuses or apologies. Honestly, I had forgiven Jimin a long time ago and moved on. But it's impossible to keep moved on if he's literally right here on the other side of my fucking door.

I pull out my phone as a notification goes off. My hands are trembling and my eyes are on the verge of spilling over to ruin my confidence in the situation.

 My hands are trembling and my eyes are on the verge of spilling over to ruin my confidence in the situation

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| Yeah!
| Jin hyung promised me sushi if I came to the game and surprised you
| So I might have spent like ninety dollars in a cab to get down here
| Which I probably could have just spent on dinner myself
| Actually this doesn't make a lot of sense but...

| Jungkook!
| Come to my room
| Now

| Whoa, okay!
| I thought you'd at least wait until after dinner to try and seduce me but whatever floats your boat these days hyung

| Omfg shut up
| Room 314

| I'm on the way!

| Can you do me a favor while you're at it?

| Of course!
| These elevators are really cool...

| Be my boyfriend

| Wh...what??
| Are you serious?
| Hey, who is this weird guy out front of your room?

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