Chapter 10

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Okay so let's just start this with sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! It's been four months since my last chapter and I'm really sorry about that! I know it takes a long time for me to write a chapter, but this is ridiculous. Thanks for reading and sticking with me you guys. I won't make any promises for the next chapter (since I never seem to keep them), but I can say that summer is coming soon which will leave me with so much more free time. While you wait, I check Wattpad everyday so feel free to leave comments!

Sorry again,


 Rollan awoke to blinding lights in his face. His head was pounding. Everything in front of him was kind of fuzzy and he doubted that even without the lights he'd be able to see anything. When he turned his face away from the lights to try to adjust to the dark, it only hurt his head more.

"Look," said a voice from beside the lights. "He's waking up."

"I can see that, you dimwit," a deeper, more familiar voice replied. "I'm not blind."
Rollan heard a quiet apology. He didn't know why he was here or who these people were, and all he could think was that one of them was very rude. There seemed to be a moment of silence between the two men and Rollan assumed they must be looking at him. He squinted, willing his eyes to adjust to the light faster. Silhouettes started forming in his vision, but when he looked around he realized that there were many more than two. He didn't really feel like counting, but estimated that there were at least ten in the room.

One of them stepped into the light so that Rollan could see him clearly. When he figured out who it was he let out an involuntary groan. There in front of him stood the Emperor of Zhong, looking as tired and disgusting as that morning. Seeing him had reminded Rollan of everything that had happened. Kyle, Meilin, Malia, the Oathbound. He remembered all of it. And he distinctly remembered hearing a scream before he got knocked out.

"Where are my friends?" Rollan asked, surprising himself with the sound of his raspy voice. He hadn't had anything to drink since the night before and he was parched. "What did you do to them?"

Before the Emperor could respond, the guard he'd been arguing with stepped into the light. He was scrawny and his armor wasn't quite on properly. Not exactly someone you expect to at the Emperor's side, but Rollan wasn't really in a position to judge. "Don't you dare address the Emperor," the guard scolded. "You are to speak only when spoken to!"

Rollan opened his mouth to argue, but the Emperor beat him to it. "Calm down," he ordered. "The boy is simply worried for his friends. I can't blame him." He turned his gaze toward Rollan. "Unfortunately, they did escape—thanks to the incompetence of my guards—but they won't get away that easily. They're all wanted for injuring nearly fifty Oathbound. In fact, the remaining guards are searching for them as we speak. They'll be joining you in the dungeons shortly. That is if my Oathbound bring them in alive. I don't remember if I specified."

Rollan couldn't believe he was hearing this. Just two days ago he was wandering the forest with Meilin, feeling the happiest he'd ever felt. And now her life and the lives of all the Greencloaks in their group were threatened because some dude was certain that his daughter was kidnapped.

Rage coursed through Rollan. He clenched his jaw. "You're disgusting," he spat.

He wanted to jump up and punch the Emperor right in the jaw. Unfortunately when he made this plan in his head, he hadn't yet noticed that his hands and legs were bound to chair he was sitting on. When he attempted to jump at the Emperor, he was stopped and just managed to rock the chair which started to fall forward. For a split second as he was falling all he could think was that if his face hit the concrete floor, he'd be hideously disfigured. He didn't like his chances with the ladies armed only with his humour and charm.

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