Chapter 1: My first Mission

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~Lance's POV~
   I nervously stumbled through the dank hallways of the blood red castle towards the throne room, the other demons around me casually chatting to their friends. We were all on our way to get our assigned missions.

   Some had to deliver messages, others had to torture people, and some had to retrieve humans that had passed away from the mortal world that lived an "unholy" life. I was anxious as to what my mission will be and picked dead skin on my arm with my sky blue claws. I restlessly extended and contracted my pale blue leathery wings. This was my first mission as well, so I didn't want to screw it up.

   When we reached the throne room, the first thing I noticed was the large throne in front of us, made of completely scarlet bones and skulls. On it sat the ruler of Daibazaal: Zarkon. We lined up in four long lines with hundreds of devilish guards on either side of the throne room. They were in obsidian armor with solidified magma spears or swords in hand.

   Zarkon cleared his throat. "I've gathered you here today to complete various.. tasks." He blatantly announced. Some demons groaned, and I assumed they have completed missions more than once in the past. Suddenly, a scroll appeared in front of him, floating in midair. He started calling out people's names and what they had to do.

   "Takiro, torture chamber U163, do as you please. Aliter, retrieve mortal Mark Zuckerberg from Palo Alto, California, bring him to court. Zenith, torture chamber D051, make their worst nightmares come true. No deaths!"

   He continued on with this, some demons going to torture chambers, several were sent to deliver messages, others had to retrieve deceased mortals, etcetera. "Lance, retrieve mortal Keith Gerald Kogane from Los Angeles, California. Death caused by a devastating car accident while driving to the airport." Zarkon sarcastically emphasized the word "devastating" and others around me snickered at Keith's full name.

   "I take it this is your first mission, yes?" Zarkon asked. I nodded my head. "Y-yes, your highness." I stuttered. "Then don't fail or you'll have to work in register office for a decade." Zarkon continued calling on others and stating their tasks. Meanwhile, people were snorting at my public embarrassment. My pale blue elf-like ears lowered out of nervousness. How will this mission go?

   After about ten excruciating minutes of Zarkon calling out names and missions and tasks and whatnot, we were all dismissed to go to our destinations. Those who delivered messages disappeared in shadows to their given locations, and those who retrieved mortals had to be sent away by Zarkon. Those who had to go to torture chambers went to the chambers, obviously.

   Demons who were assigned to retrieve mortals stayed behind in the throne room and lined up in front of Zarkon, waiting for him to send us away. Others waited impatiently, other stood still, a nervous expression in their eyes. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, fumbling my fingers. Zarkon stood in front of Aliter, a pitch black horned demon with scarlet eyes, flicked his hand, and she disappeared in black vapor. Zarkon did it to the next one, slowly moving down the line. When he reached me, he gave me an evil grin before flicking his hand, and plunged me into darkness.

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