Day 5

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Today we have a test coming up and the person beside me is not as smart as me. (Not even close) Since, I am soo smart, I will teach the idiot. I am sure that I will ace that test. I blow my nose very hard until I sound like an elephant. I'm kidding. I submited my exercise first in chinese class which is easy for me of course but I think the others are too scared to submit. So manyyy losers. I am brave enough to submit first and so I did and guess what, I aced it again. 

In Science Class, we received our chapter test scores and I did pretty well but the teacher remembered to subtract our scores. I was as mad as a lizard not getting attention. ( very good simile am I right ?) Throughout Science class, I made frowns with the wrinkles appearing on my forehead. When she remembered, I made this frowny face and opened my mouth like I saw the mirror with me in it.

I went to the vice principal's office not because i am in trouble, but because i just wanted to. Having no friends allow you to go where you want to with no one saying anything. Because of visiting the office, i was late to class, no one really cares but i just said my reason anyway. I was supposed to write notes on my beautiful acer laptop, but i just felt lazy and i because i have veryyy good memory and a very smart brain, I can just remember everything😎- (edited by c give me some credit :) )

I am such a religious person. I never skipped any of my religion class. I pray before and after I eat, before and after I sleep and before and after I do tests. I'm also homophobic. ( c & a do not agree with this. we don't even know why we are even doing this book) I am just the purest, prettiest, smartest girl ever in my grade. In ICT class, I kept on asking questions because that is the only subject I suck at. I don't even have an apple electronics or laptop but all I have is my beautiful, precious Acer laptop.


lolololol i helped with thissss- c 🙆🏻             DAY 6 ? - a 👼🏻

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