The Betrayal

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Hey guys and gals i hope you enjoy the book. Also ill be writing these authors note's in greek from now on.

Percy's P.O.V

I was just returning from a quest that Athena sent me on to get permission to propose to my wise girl. When I entered the camp I heard the campers cheering at the pavilion. I walked to the pavilion and pushed my way through the crowd. When I got to the front I wish I hadn't. I saw Annabeth kissing my half brother Ricky Morales. I turned around and pushed my way back through the crowd with tears forming in my eyes. I ran to my cabin and packed all of my clothes into my drawstring bag that Hermes gave me. I pulled all of the pictures of me and HER off the walls and burned them. I wrote a note and left it on my bed along with the ring where she would find it. I then walked to the borders of camp and left the place I once called home. As soon as I stept out of the camp borders I was flashed to Olympus. I appeared in the middle of the throne room. "Perceus Jackson you are accused of being a spy for Gaea. How do you plead?" Zeus thunded. "Innocent." "Liar we have proof that you did." "What proof?" A thing that looked a iris message appeared in front of me. But instead of a white border it had a black border. It showed me walking into the woods and start talking to a figure in black. When the video ended I swiped my hand through it. "Who gave you this proof?" "My favorite son Ricky did. And I hear by disown you for betraying Olympus!" Poesiden yelled at me. "FOR THE LAST TIME I DID NOT BETRAY OLYMPUS. MY FATAL FLAW IS LOYALTY FOR HADES SAKE!" I yelled back at him. "For those in favor of killing him raise your hand." Zeus said. Aphrodite, Ares, Zeus, Athena, and Poesiden all raised there hands. "Okay all those in favor of letting him live raise your hand." Zues said. Artemis, Hades, Hermes, Hestia, Apollo, Dionosis, Hephatus, Hera, and Demeter all raised there hands. "Fine he will live. But I want one of you to keep an eye on him." Zeus said before flashing out. "I'm not doing it." Apollo, Demeter, Hermes, Hestia, Hades, Hephatus, Dionosis, and Hera all said at the same time. "Its allright." I said putting my head down. "Percy wait." "Yes Artemis?" "Monster attacks have been happening more often and I was wondering if you would be mine and the hunts guardian?" "It would be an honor but before I join you and the hunt could you flash me to my moms apartment so I can tell her where ill be so she doesn't worry?" "Sure." She put her hand on my shoulder and I appeared in front of my mothers apartment door. Before I could knock on the door I heard a scream from inside. I rammed into the door and what I saw made my fall to my knees and cry. My mom and Paul where on the floor dead. Each one of them had one if Annabeth daggers in their hearts. I felt a presence stronger than a gods in the room with me. I turned around to see a woman standing there with long black hair and eyes that looked like they had the galaxy in them. "What do you want?" I asked her. "I am Lady Chaos. And I know you just lost the last of your family but I was wondering if I could adopt you?" I looked at her with shock and happiness. "It would be my honor." She started to chant in ancient greek so I only caught part of it when she finished it felt like my body was being ripped apart atom by atom and being put back together differently. When the pain stopped she summoned a mirror. I looked the same except my hair was a galaxy black and my eyes looked like the galaxy was in them. "Percy you have power over the four main elements and can turn into a wolf. Chaos travel (a/n basically like shadow traveling but you fall through a portal.) And you can read peoples feelings." I stand up and hug her. She goes ridged for a few seconds before relaxing and hugging me back. "Thank you mom." "Your welcome." I pull away when I feel another presence in the room. I turn around to see Hades. "I came to tell you but I guess you already know." I nod. "And if it helps you can come and talk to there spirits whenever you want." "Thank you uncle. Now I better head back to Olympus before Artemis starts to worry." Hades raises an eyebrow. "Long story. See yay later mom." I Chaos travel to the throne room and duck to dodge a dagger flying towards me. "That could of been worse." "Percy is that you?" Artemis asked me. "Yep." "What happened to your hair and eyes?" "Well you might not believe me but lady chaos adopted me after I found me mother and stepfather dead." "Your right I don't believe you." Just as she said this Chaos stepped out of a portal next to me. "What he said is true Artemis I did indeed adopt him. Oh and I almost forgot to give you this." She snaps her fingers and a assassins cloak appeared on me. "Woah. Thanks mom." I said as she stepped back through the portal. "So should we go and tell the huntresses?" Artemis nods and grabs my shoulder flashing both of us just outside of the hunters camp. "I think I should turn into a wolf before we enter." "I think that would be a good idea to Percy." I turn into a wolf and follow Artemis into the camp. As soon as we enter the clearing the hunters pull out there bows and aim them at me. "Hunters put your bows away. This is our new guardian. He will be staying in a tent behind mine." "Mlady what do you mean he?" Thalia asked. "I mean our guardian is a male. But he is not like other males. I believe he will not flirt with you." I turn back into a human and Thalia aims her bow at me. "Wow im surprised that you don't recognize me pinecone face." "Only my family can call me that boy." "Wow you really don't even remember your own cousin." As I said this I pulled down my hood. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go and get some sleep for tomorrow. Artemis will you please show me where my tent will be?" "Sure." I follow her and she leads me back behind her tent and brings me to a clearing a little ways off from camp. I pray to chaos. 'Hey mom can you send me a tent?' 'Sure thing Percy' I open my eyes to see a black tent with a silver moon above the flap. I go inside and the inside is larger than the outside. It has a bedroom, a kitchen, a game room, a training room, a bathroom, and a living room. I went straight to the bedroom and laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

Artemis's P.O.V

After Percy went into his tent I went back to my hunters. When I got there they were sitting around the campfire sharpening there daggers. "Hunters I need you to hold off on pranking Percy for a while because he's been through a lot today." "Okay mlady." My lutenent said. "Now I have to go and fly my chariot. Thalia while I'm gone your in charge." I flash to my chariot and feel a familiar presence behind me. I turn around to see Lady Chaos. "Hello Lady Chaos." "Artemis can you please not call me Lady?" "Sure.  So what did you want?" "I just came to inform you that Percy is requested to be at the Primordial council tomorrow so I'll be coming to pick him up." "OK Chaos." She flashes away as I see a faint glow on the horizon. I flash into my tent and lay down on my bed.


Hey guys and gals I will be updating once or twice a week if I can. Also I will always end the part with the gif below after the ending authors note.

 Also I will always end the part with the gif below after the ending authors note

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Son Of Lady Chaos And Lover Of ArtemisWhere stories live. Discover now