ZAYD IBN HARITHAH (RadhiAllaahu Anhu)
Zayd ibn Harithah (R A) (c. 581-629 CE) was a companion of Muhammad (SAWS) who was at one stage regarded as his son. He is the only companion whose name appears in the Qur'an (33:37).
Narrators and historians described his appearance as short, dark swarthy, and snub-nosed. As for his reality, he was truly a great Muslim. He was one of the great commanders of the Prophet (SAWS). Zayd (R A)had three children. Usama(R A), son of Baraka(Umm Ayman), Zayd, son of Umm Kulthum, who died in infancy. Ruqayya, daughter of Umm Kulthum, who died while under the care of Uthman(R A). He was killed at the Battle of Mu'tah.
Haarithah, Zayd 's father, just putting the luggage on the camel that was to carry his wife, Su'dah, to her family. Haarithah paid his farewell to his wife who carried Zayd - at that time a young child - in her arms. But every time he was about to leave his wife and child who were going with a caravan, to return to his house and work, he was driven by a mysterious and inexplicable urge to keep his wife and son in sight; yet it was time for them to set out on their way and Haarithah had to pay his last farewell to his wife and head back home. His tears flowed as he said goodbye and stood as if pinned to the ground until he lost sight of them. At that moment he felt broken-hearted.
Su'dah stayed with her family for a while. One day, suddenly her neighborhood was attacked by one of its opposing tribes. Taken by surprise, Bani Ma'n were defeated and Zai lbn Haarithah was captured along with other war prisoners. His mother returned home alone. When Haarithah heard the sad news, he was thunderstruck. He traveled everywhere and asked everyone about his beloved Zayd . He recited these lines of poetry on the spur of the moment to lament the loss of his son:
My heart was broken when I lost Zayd . I don't know if he is alive or dead or if I will ever see him again. By Allaah , I still do not know if he was killed on the plain or slain on the mountain. His picture comes to the mind's eye whenever the sun rises or sets. Even when the wind blows, it brings along his memory. Alas, I am shrouded by my sadness, grief, and fear for him.
At that time, slavery was a recognized and established social fact that turned into a necessity. This was the case in Athens, which had long enjoyed a flourishing civilization, in Rome, and in the entire ancient world, including the Arab Peninsula. When the opposing tribe attacked the Bani Ma'n, it headed to the market of 'Ukaadh, held at that time, to sell its prisoners of war. The child Zayd , was sold to Hakiim Ibn Huzaam, who gave him to his aunt Khadiijah (R Anha) as a gift. At that time, khadiijah(R Anha) was married to Muhammad Ibn 'Abd Allaah (SAWS) but the revelation had not yet descended on him. However, he enjoyed all the promising great qualities of prophets (SAWS) . Khadiijah(R Anha), on her part, gave her servant Zayd as a gift to her husband, Allaah's Prophet(SAWS). He was very pleased with Zayd (R A) and manumitted him at once. His great and compassionate heart overflowed with care and love towards the boy.
Later on, during one of the Hajj seasons, a group of Haarithah's tribe ran into Zayd in Makkah and told him about his parents anguish and grief ever since they had lost him. Zayd (R A) asked them to convey his love and longing to his parents. He told them, "Tell my father that I live here with the most generous and loving father." No sooner did his father know his son's whereabouts than he hastened on his way to him, accompanied by his brother.
As soon as they reached Makkah, he asked about the trustworthy Muhammad(SAWS). When he met him, he said, "O son of lbn Abd Al-Muttalib! O son of the master of his tribe! Your land is one of security and sanctuary and you are famous for helping the distressed and sheltering the captive. We have come here to ask you to give us back our son. So please confer a favor on us and set a reasonable ransom for him." The Prophet (SAWS) knew the great love and attachment Zayd carried in his heart for him, yet at the same time, he respected Haarithah's parental right. Therefore, he told Haarithah, "Ask Zayd to come here and make him choose between you and me. If he chooses you, he is free to go with you, but if he chooses me then, by Allaah, I will not leave him for anything in the world." Haarithah's face brightened, for he did not expect such magnanimity; therefore, he said, "You are far more generous than us." Then the Prophet (SAWS) summoned Zayd . When he came he asked him, "Do you recognize these people?" Zayd (R A) said, "Yes, this is my father and this is my uncle."
Islamic Stories & Many More
AcakAssalamualikum! Jazakallah for reading these little short stories, poems, Quran verses, and nasheeds. None of these stories belong to me at all. I've found them online, and I hoped to share them with you. :D