Mr. Chair X Reader Part 3

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Mr. Chair X Reader Part 3

Mr. Chair's POV

I was leaning in to kiss _____ when the bro started to bust down the door. I quickly picked up _____, opened up the closet, and set her inside. She stood up, I quickly got in beside her, and pulled the door closed behind me. It was really tight, we where basically chest to chest. I felt ______'s chest moving strongly, looks like she is breathing heavily from fear. I hear the door crumble, the bro is in the room with us, we are trapped. After what seemed like hours, I slightly open the doors to see the bro leaving the room. I opened the doors fully when he was gone and I could no longer hear him. ______ was pale and sweating, I picked her up and set her on the bed. She seemed to have fainted....

Your POV

You are lying on the floor bleeding to death with people in brown clothes standing over you smirking. You slowly look over and you see Mr. Chair lying there in a pool of crimson, eyes wide open full of terror, no life in them... You feel yourself cry and loose feeling....

You jolt awake feeling as if you were stabbed a dozen times. You sit up, you look down, you are in your tank-top, jeans, and socks. You look around the room and see nothing, it's too dark to see anything. You feel breathing and movement beside you. You look over to see Mr. Chair lying there on the other side of the large bed, breathing softly without his glasses, beret, vest, or shoes. You lie back down and look at Mr. Chair. 'He's sleeping so peacefully....' You smile at the thought of that. You kiss his forehead, scoot closer, and drift back off into sleep. You don't have a dream this time.

In the morning.

You wake up to see Mr. Chair still sleeping peacefully. 'You survived your first night in this castle _____, well that's a start...' You quietly think to yourself. You feel shifting on the bed and look at Mr. Chair who was slowly waking up. You quickly act like your asleep....

Mr. Chair's POV

I start to wake up to see _____'s still asleep. I smile and softly kiss her cheek.... "She's so beautiful, but-sigh- she will never love me back..." I got up and left the room...

Your POV

You sit up abruptly thinking that you misheard him. "What?"

Mr. Chair X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now