We truly are a perfect match/We are trapped.

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A/N: I decided to put two chapters in one! Hope you like! Sorry it took to long to update.
______'s POV

Mr. Chair and you shared a romantic moment for around 5 minutes before one of you had to pull away for breath. He continued to carry you till you finally had to admit something that had been killing you from the very start. "Mr. Chair I know this may be a bad time to say this but... Are we ever going to be able to find the others?" Mr. Chair seemed to take forever to answer your question, he finally gave a slight nod seemingly lost in thought. You didn't feel very comforted by his reply but you shook off the feeling. You hurt really bad so you decided to take a nap to try and relieve some of the pain. At first things in your dream was black, you regretted thinking that nothing was going to happen this time. When you finally slipped into a nightmare everything was dark at first, but it didn't last for very long. When you finally could see you were in a white wedding dress, barrels were all around you and when you looked directly down the corridor.... He was there... The same man that brought you here.. The master barrel.... You looked around you and everything was decorated all wedding like and that's when you realized what was going on in your nightmare. You shook your head and forced the barrels away... Out of your dreams... You learned how to control the dream now but how would this help? You start to remember that the dream of you and your friend falling was different.... Unlike your dream it was you and Mr. Chair.... Then it hit you. Your friend never existed, just a fragment of your imagination. You actually regained the proper memories that you had lost. You remembered everything now. You really weren't kidnapped, the barrels had captured you when they took away your memories, they replaced them with false ones to avoid the chance of you finding out who you truly are. You remember now, when you were younger your mother and father had this castle built for you to grow up in, when one night on your 17th birthday the barrels came. Your parents were never found but eventually even though you were hiding so well they found you. The barrels forced you to the basement where the king barrel took your memories and replaced them so you would never take back the castle. That's when the chosen one Pewdiepie created the Bro Army to destroy the barrels, his friends Stephano, Piggeh, Mr. Chair, Skully, Jesus, Jennifer, Martin, and Gonzales, were created by the touch of the chosen ones love and affection. They earned their every inch of life from his determination to destroy the barrels and his love for his bros. Even though this had happened the barrels found out how to make more of themselves, how to make the Bro, and how to make many other things such as the; Untrusted Statues, Teleporting Naked Guys, Water Monster, etc.. You decided that you were going to help the bros and Pewdiepie to end the terror of the barrels no matter the cost. You refused to allow this to go on for much longer, because there were too many people that you cared about to let the terror continue. You woke up and looked at Mr. Chair and he seemed to know what you were going to say. "So you finally remember?" He asked kindly. "How do you know that I remembered somethi-" You realized that this wasn't Mr. Chair but in fact a barrel. You couldn't move because your hands and feet were tied with the same rope. You looked behind the barrel carrying you and they had Mr. Chair in a cage tied up and muffled. You growled and elbowed the barrel as hard as you could, you were not going to let them take your memories this time. The barrel dropped you, another barrel charged at you with a dagger. He swung at you, as an escape plan you put the ropes in the way to not only block the hit but to also cut the rope holding you bound. The ropes dropped, out of the corner of your eye you saw the barrel try to stab you. This time you were unable to dodge fully to avoid the attack and it stabbed into your right arm.

Mr. Chair X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now