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My name is Tessa Nor-El, and my world is dying.

"Tessa, we're sending you to Earth." My mom says, hugging me, sobbing. "With Kara and Kal."

"Do I need to protect them?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"You just need to live." My dad says, and I finally let myself cry. "We're sending you to live. You've no obligation to your cousins." He says, and I nod, closing my eyes as he kisses my forehead, and my mother does the same before getting into my pod as Kal's takes off.

"We love you so much." My mom says before the cockpit seals and Kara's pod takes off, a few seconds later, mine takes off, and as soon as my pod leaves the atmosphere, I hear a huge explosion, and my pod is spun around, I look out and see Kara's pod, stuck, just like mine. Rao, she looks so scared, I reach out to her and she reaches out to me. She was just a year younger than me, and up until seven months ago, it was her and I against the world. Our pods keep spinning to show our home, now nothing but floating rubble.


"Tessa!" My boss calls out and I sigh, getting up from my desk, rushing into her office.

"Yes, Ms. Luthor?" I ask, and she grins at me.

"You're awfully quiet today. What's going on?" She asks, and I sigh, shaking my head and adjusting my glasses.

"N-nothing, Ms. Luthor, just thinking." I say, and she raises a brow. "Golly." I whisper to myself, playing with my hands. My boss is really fucking attractive.

"Have a seat, Tessa. Let's talk." Ms. Luthor says, so I sit in front of her desk and look at her. "There's something bothering you, I can sense it." She says, eyeing me very closely, I scoff to myself. Yeah, my planet blew up when I was 14, got stuck in some stupid worm hole for 24 years, and ended up in Central City for 4 before coming to Metropolis for college and getting this job. My entire family is dead, except for me, Kara, and Kal, or Clark. As in Clark Kent, Superman.

"Yeah. I guess so." I say, and she sighs.

"Tessa, what's the point of working for me if you don't trust me?" Ms. Luthor asks, leaning forward on her arms, and I quickly study her posture before meeting her green eyes again.

"I-I do trust you, Ms. Luthor, it's just-"

"Just what?"

"It's a... personal matter."


"Yeah. Relationship problems."

"Relationship problems." Ms. Luthor says, her eyebrows blending in with her hairline almost.

"Well, lack thereof." I say, and she grins, checking the clock on her computer screen.

"How about, you and I go get you some lunch and we'll talk about this over a meal?" Ms. Luthor says, and I hesitate.

"A-are you sure you want to go out for lunch, Ms. Luthor? I can just go get it for you."

"Tessa, as your boss, I order you to go to lunch with me." Ms. Luthor says, and I nod.

"Okay, Ms. Luthor, where do you want to eat?" I ask, and she thinks for a moment.

"A new Noonan's just opened down the street, let's go there." She says, so I nod, following her out of her office as we head to lunch.


"So, talk to me, tell me what goes on in the life of Tessa Conway, best assistant on the face of the earth." Ms. Luthor says, and I sigh, adjusting the lead-lined frames on my face.

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