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After our day out together, Kara and I headed home to our respective apartments, and went to bed, got up the next morning, went to work like usual, went home, and at 3:30 in the morning two days after defeating Red Tornado, I got up, got dressed, and headed to the DEO to work with Alex. Four hours later, Kara showed up to get scanned, and Alex sent me to the gym, so I listened, but decided to not do anything, and headed to Medical to check on Kara, watching as the machine did the scans it needed, raising a brow at Alex when she tells me to get back in the gym as she held my little cousin's hand, going over and taking Kara's other hand.

"I'm not going anywhere, Danvers." I say, and she sighs, but nods, so I turn to Kara. "I'm not going anywhere, Danvers." I repeat, and Kara grins, giving my hand a gentle, appreciative squeeze. When the scan was done, Kara stood and hugged me as tight as she could with her human strength.

"Now, you," Alex says as Kara and I pull away from our hug. "get back into the gym." She says, and I nod, turning to Kara.

"You know where to find me." I say to Kara before kissing her forehead, and heading back to the gym, turning the Kryptonite emitters on and doing what I need to, since Alex was busy with Kara.

About an hour later, I'm eating some breakfast in the Bullpen with Vasquez as we watch Hank and Alex talk to Jemm. Some dumb criminal Aunt Alura locked up, I remember going with Aunt Alura to the trial, he was so full of himself, I got dizzy from rolling my eyes so much. When Alex and Hank get back, they have to do this whole thing to transfer Jemm to a different cell temporarily, so they could clean his, but as Alex was initiating the airlock for Jemm everything went dark, and the ground shook.

"We lost power, switching to emergency." Alex says, getting right back to work.

"I need eyes on the prisoner!" Henshaw exclaims, and Alex shakes her head, lifting her hand.

"System is rebooting now." She says, and the system reboots rather fast, but when the emergency power kicked on, Jemm was gone and the two agents tasked with guarding him were dead on the ground.

"Ohh, that's not good." I say, hopping to my feet. "We need to lock this place down."

"Hostile is loose, seal the base." Hank says at the same time that I said that we needed to save our asses. Well, their asses. I don't think you can read a Kryptonian's mind. Alex stands there, frozen for a moment. "I said seal the base!" Hank yells at her, and Alex obeys, initiating a lockdown of the base. Once the base was sealed, I sighed and listened for Kara over all the chaos in the DEO.

"Kara's hurt." I say to Alex, who looks at me. "I need to go help. The city needs help." I say, but Hank shakes his head, pointing toward the hole in the ceiling of the cave.

"We seal that, too in times like these." He says, and I sigh.

"Fuck." I say, sitting back down, looking to my phone, and sighing as I see that it had been crushed by a stalactite. "Call Kara." I say, and Alex raises a brow, so I point to what used to be my phone.

"Yeah, okay." Alex says before going and doing something real fast before calling Kara.

"Gonna be nosy." I warn Alex, who raises a brow at me, so I tap my left ear, and she nods, so I listen in on the conversation.

"Alex. Are you okay?" Kara asks, sighing.

"I'm fine." Alex responds.

"Liar." Kara says, groaning.

"Back at you." Alex says, coming over and standing close to me.

"Arm's broken, which, by the way, a warning would've been nice about how much that hurts." Kara says, before sighing, and I sigh myself. "So, tell me what's wrong there?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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