~Chapter 1~

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I am Elsa, the first born child of Eric and Amelia Winters. My whole life has been a dangerous, perilious and terrible time. Hiding away in a room with no one but myself for company. My sister, Anna is lucky...She isn't different. Like me. I am different and unfortunately, where I live, being different makes you dangerous and that gets you killed. Our leader Pitch Black is an immortal demon, living forever and making lives miserable for people who are different. Even though he's different himself.

He is immortal and that sets him apart from the rest of the humans but he has Dark powers that no one has ever seen before. There was a story that long ago, there used to be peace and harmony within the human race. People were nice, kind and good to each other. There used to be a thing called "countries." One person was usually elected as the "President" a man or woman responsible for looking after the country and its people.

Nowadays, there is no such thing as "countries" or "Presidents." There is only one country, Panem. And one supreme ruler of it all: Pitch Black. My grandparents used to tell me stories of how wonderful life was before President Black came and ruined the peace.

It was said that President Black had special powers involving:

Hypnotism: One special look from his eyes and you would be under his command.

Sleep serums: He could put you to sleep by a wave of his hand in front of your eyes.

Dark sand: This was the most interesting power that he possessed. He could use this dark sand to make anything imaginable! One twist or twirl of his fingers and dark sand would shoot out out it. He would then use this sand to make anything. Anything that he wanted, without fail.

My grandparents always said that Pitch was a very old, very clever and sly demon. He used to exist even before my grandparents' great great great grandparents. This really got me thinking. If Pitch existed for such a long time, why didn't he ever try to take over the world before?

When I asked my grandparents this, they replied by saying, “He was incapable of doing so.” When they saw the puzzled look that I gave them, they explained further.

“Pitch wasn't always as strong as he seems right now, my dear,” Grandma said. “I admit that he was strong, but he wasn't the only immortal being at the time. There were a group of four other immortal beings who rebelled against him. They put him in his place every time he tried to attack and they called themselves “The Guardians,” she explained.

“Long before our existence, people in the past used to celebrate Easter and Christmas, two holidays that were fun and exciting. The Easter Bunny was the Guardian of Easter, Santa Claus was the Guardian of Christmas. There were two other Guardians but unlike Santa and Bunny, they worked everyday and every night. Sandy was the Guardian of sleep, Tooth was the Guardian of teeth. Together, these Guardians would stop at nothing to protect the children of Earth,” Grand Pa said.

“One day, a New Guardian was chosen by the Man in the Moon. He was called...ah darn these old brains, I can't remember what he was called,” Grand Pa said. “It's ok Grand Pa, tell me anyway,” I said, interested in the story.

“Ok, anyway, this boy was chosen to be Guardian because the other guardians needed his skill and his power. When he refused to help, Pitch won and he hypnotised the Guardians so that they would fall asleep and it is said that to this day, they are sleeping, in his dungeon."

"After a while, when Santa didn't leave gifts and the Easter Bunny didn't leave eggs and the Tooth fairy stopped giving money and the Sandman stopped giving good dreams, the kids stopped believing in them. Their power was weakened and soon, they didn't have any power left. Pitch burned all the books about Christmas, Easter, and the tooth fairy. He started making “nightmares” for the children and they never had good dreams again. Nightmares are the horses that you see at night.” Grand Pa finished.

This talk happened when I was five years old, when I had NO idea about my powers or what I could do with them. Soon after that, I found out about my powers and I locked myself up in my room so that Pitch Black wouldn't kill me. I always wondered about the boy who was chosen and wished that he had accepted his job as a Guardian.

I stayed hidden, never letting anyone come near me, never letting myself out until one day...The Choosing Ceremony.

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