Ok fitness is important! you should all love your bodies and be happy with how you are!
But some of us wanna change our figure and thats 100% ok! But there are ways to do it and ways you shouldn't.
🚫The WRONG ways 🚫
- throwing up after meals -
- not eating -
-exercising without meals-
-Binning your meals-
👍The RIGHT ways 👌
- eating properly -
-exercising with healthy meals- (that doesn't mean you can't have sweets but maybe just not as much as usual)
- doing simple exercising -
10 squats
15 crunches
10 lunges
15 sit-ups
And an optional jog.
Yoga is a good way to do simple exercise!
It is an easy activity that doesn't require equipment.
Now here is a very important tip!
Figure out what area of your body you want to work on first.
Ab area = crunches - sit ups - burpees -
Legs/ thighs = lunges - burpees - jogs - walking -
Arms/muscles = weights - push ups - gymnastics of sorts - hand stands.
~ to anyone who reads this enjoy ~
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