Chapter 3

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Edited :)

There’s always one moment in your life, where it’s full of pain, desperation and need. So right here, right now, while I’m this room, watching the 2 fast 2 furious, I am in pain due to the desperation and need of these beloved cookies known as Oreos. So I’m sitting here with my three brothers and some sexy guy, otherwise known as Daniel. They are completely oblivious to the fact I’m trying to open this cursed packet of beloved goods. Well, I’m sure my brothers know but I doubt they care and I can practically feel Daniels piercing gaze to the side of my head. He’s probably thinking that I’m some kind of crazy woman, that is in desperate need of the Oreo goodness in her mouth at this very excruciating, tasteless moment.

“Come on baby, come to momma,” I coo to the packet of Oreos in my hand. “I know you want to.”

What is with this god damn Oreo packet? Is it cursed? Who the hell cursed my baby?

That’s exactly what goes through my mind at this moment, and that’s exactly what I say out loud. As soon as I say those words, I swear to the land of rainbow shitting unicorns that Daniel is probably thinking of mental institutes that are willing to take me in, and treat my probably incurable addiction to Oreos. 

“Does she always get this crazy when she can’t open the packet of Oreos?” Daniel asks Justin under his breath. Well at least he thinks it’s under his breath but I can clearly hear him.

“Yeah, dude its nothing new. Just watch the movie, she’ll probably throw it and walk off any minute now. Just wait. Ready? 3…2…1…” Justin trails off.

“I’m right here baby brother!” I yell, throwing the nearest cushion at him. “I can hear you, you know?”

“Just stating the facts dearest, immature, annoying…” Justin trails off with his insults, until he settles, “Sister.”

I give him a deadly glare, he can’t see it because he is still facing the TV but I know he can sense my gaze that is piercing through his soul, because he chuckles. I don’t see how my misery is funny. Do these people, that are supposed to be my blood and flesh, really find my desperation and pain to their amusement? Actually that is a rhetorical question. I don’t doubt that they do find this to their amusement.


Really, hurtful.

Daniel looks at me, “Do you need some help?”

“Fine, you try.” I huff, handing him the packet. He fiddles and pulls it, but the damn thing is not giving in. Then the most beautiful, pleasant, earthshattering thing happened.

It opened.

Like the world hates me, the amazing experience was followed by the most disastrous, horrendous, unpleasant thing.

The Oreos fell on the floor.




Not even a crumb left.

Again, hurtful.

“NO!” I scream so loud, I’m sure the neighbours can hear.

All four boys in the same room as me stop and look. Daniel with a sorry yet amused expression on his face. My older and younger brother with annoyance, and my twin with no care in the world. Wow guys, way to make me feel loved.  Honestly, I really feel amazed with all this love in the air.

“Hey, Ave?” Aiden asks.

”Yes male that shares the same DNA as me?” I look at him.

“You know how we’re twins right?” he asks.

“Yes, brother dearest, I do.”

“And you know how sometimes we have that twin telepathy thing, where we can kind of feel what the other feels or like read each other’s mind or have a silent conversation in our heads?” he trails on.

“Aha,” I nod.

“Can you read my mind at the moment?”

“Uh, no.”

“Okay, well I’m going to tell you what’s on my mind.”

“Sure twinnie.”

“What’s on my mind is, SHUT THE HELL UP!” he yells.

“Sheesh, someone needs a tampon,” I tease.

“No. I do not, now shut up,” he explains, as he picks up an Oreo off the floor and throws it at me.

“Well since Daniel dropped the Oreos on the floor and we don’t have any packets left, I have no reason to be here at this very moment. So goodnight lovely brother, night Daniel.” I wave to Daniel and go up to my brothers. I kiss Justin’s cheek much to his protest and ruffle his hair, I lightly slap Aiden on the cheek and Tyler kisses my forehead.

“What? No kisses for me?” Daniel fake pouts and I humourlessly laugh.

“Not even in your dreams.” I wink and lightly slap his cheek.

 I walk off to the direction of my room when I hear noises outside; I look outside to see Tiff and her date in an intense make out session. Damn, it is getting steamy. Her date’s back is against the door and she is in front of him. I get an evil idea and laugh evilly in my mind. I open the door and cough. Tiffs date falls on the floor and Tiff is still processing what is going on.

“Ava, what the hell was that for?!” Tiff yells at me, as she helps her groaning date.

“It was getting a bit steamy in here.” I exaggerate while fanning myself and giving Tiff an evil smirk.

Tiffany just glares at me and her date just stands their awkwardly.

“Ave, what’s going on, are you hurt?” Tyler rushes to the door to see what’s going on.   

“Oh. No Ty, nothing’s wrong. Tiff is home.”

“Oh, hey little sister.” Ty greets Tiffany.

“Tyler,” Tiff stomps her foot and huffs, “I’m only 4 minutes younger.”

“Still younger though.” Ty states.

“Well my job is done here, bye older sister.” I give her a kiss on the cheek and wave at her date. He awkwardly waves back and I make my way to the stairs and into my room. Once I get into my room and slide into my bed, I pull the covers over me.

I close my eyes and within minutes I doze off.


Hey readers. Sorry this is a short chapter I’ll try and write more next time. Sorry xx please vote and comment your thoughts! Honestly means so much. Keep reading and wait till the next update!

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