Chapter 1

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Luna woke up on a bright sunny day, the birds singing their lovely song as she let a natural smile fall onto her face. Except the reality is anything but that. The sky was crying rain as the little girl woke up, a pounding headache darkening her mood.

Wincing, she snuck a peak at her newly formed bruises after last night's beating. She was a kind and gentle soul at heart. Her generosity however hidden, never to be shown through the blood stained windows that surround her house, keeping her trapped. No one could ever know what had happened. Her life was at stake.

Her messy and unwashed brown, wavy locks tickled her neck as she slowly assessed her surroundings, still unfamiliar with the sight that is her home. Several broken floorboards stood out from the rest making up her room floor. To the side stood a small dresser used for secret medical supplies and food when her own mother would refuse to give her some. That was pretty much it. Her brown eyes held speckles of gold perfectly suiting her features. Her eyes are what stood out the most .

She slowly and carefully got dressed in a light green , dirt infested shirt and ripped jeans that were too small for her. As she tiptoed quietly and unlatched the window, the floorboard suddenly creaked. Luna stood still her heartbeat racing and shoulders tensing. A close call, or so she thought. The mahogany door slammed open revealing a figure that stood hidden behind the shadows of the room. She quickly shut her eyes and prepared for blow, a blow that never came. As the figure drew nearer, Luna's breathing quickened until she was no longer awake, a dreamless sleep replacing the vision of her room, the only thing she could call hers.

Panic, tossing and turning, visions of an unknown room blurred. A faint beeping sound could be heard before she lost consciousness. This happened frequently and after what seemed like years, Luna's eyes finally opened. " Hello miss, it's good to see you finally awake" a woman said. Her features were unknown to Luna, however instead of panic, an unfamiliar sense of drowsiness took hold of her and she felt light headed. She slowly lay back on the pillow, her head sinking into it's plush cover as she sighed in content." Where am I ?" She answered back, smiling to herself she realised how silly the question must have seemed because of course it must have been a hospital that she was in. Where else? " Never mind, I know where I am, sorry, I'm just so confused. Where is my mother?" She answered back realising that her mother would not be happy resulting in more beating that the last time. She shuddered at the thought.

" Your mother was a bad person, Luna, She is now rotting in jail for the crimes she committed against you." This Made Luna raise an eyebrow in confusion as she replied " but how did you know? We were living in isolation. Her beatings went on for years. Each one seemingly worse than the last... Why did you wait until now to arrest or? Why didn't you stop her? Why didn't you help me?" Her voice almost shouting as she went on as she stared at the doctor stood in front of her, her coat slightly swaying from the wind that passed through the open window. " We always knew something was happening Luna. We wanted to help you from the beginning but we didn't have evidence, nothing sufficient enough to prove her of her crimes. This isn't the first time your mother has done something like this. Something worse has happened, before she married your father, before she had you." The doctor replied, Her facial features were becoming more tense as she went on, showing that there was more to the situation than she was letting on, Luna thought. 

She slowly stood, the pain in her abdomen increasing as she started walking towards the doctor. Standing in front of her she said quietly, in a submissive manner, " What now? Where am I supposed to go?" . " I assure you Luna, we have everything sorted out. There is a home that is willing to take you in. A nice family who have your things sorted out. You will have to go under a new name. A name that you may choose." The doctor said and Luna replied " Why do I need a new name?" and the doctor replied " What your mother has done did not go unnoticed and there are bad people who are hunting for you. To kill you. Never go back to who you are. You will need to have a new personality, new clothes and a completely new life. I'm sorry , but as of today, You are no longer Luna. You have a day to choose what your name is going to be. You will have to stay in the hospital until then and  then the next morning give in your details to the police who will hand you new details that fit into your new character." Luna looked down disheartened, Her name and who she is will soon be taken away from her.

The news of her mothers imprisonment did not surprise Luna in any way and she did not feel any remorse. To her, she was not her mother, but her capturer. The woman who single -handedly destroyed her life. She raised her head and decided that she would walk proud and use her new personality to her benefit and never let anyone see through her façade. To see who she really was , otherwise she would die. Luna knew as Much that she could never turn back, that this would change her life forever. But whether it would be a good change or a bad one would be up to her. Everything would depend on her, whether she would live or die. But for now, she had to find a new name, for tomorrow was a new day , with her new family and possibly a new school. She needed a name that could define her. Her brown waves cascaded down her shoulders as a smile lit up her face. Her new name, she had found it. 

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