(11) Second Chances

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"I'm so sorry that this happened." I said to Liam again. The amount of times I have apologized to him in the last ten minutes probably was starting to get annoying but I couldn't stop. I felt responsible for this. Like somehow I felt that I had caused this. Liam just waved it off like it didn't happen. To be honest I was still shaken up by the whole thing. Also, what the hell was I thinking trying to break up a fucking fight like that? I grabbed some more paper towels from the dispenser and put them under the running cold water. We were currently in the boys bathroom which normally if I was caught in I would be in trouble but it was after school and there was nobody around. I took a deep breath and I looked back at Liam taking in the damages. "I'm such an idiot to actually believe what he said to me."

"Hey!" Liam says as he grabs my hand, stopping me from rubbing the dried blood off his face. The action startled me a bit, making me freeze in place. The pain in my wrist from yesterday subsided and thankfully it was only a slight uncomfortable feeling. And Liam wasn't holding my wrist that hard. "Don't say that. Harry can be cunning and deceitful. He has always been like that since he started hanging with the wrong crowd years back." Liam said to me. I stood there really listening to what he was saying this time. He let go of my wrist and let me continue to clean him up as I start at his eyebrow. "Harry and I never really got along, I guess it was just because of our personalities, but it got worse when I started showing interest in joining the footie team." He paused explaining himself. I threw out the reddened paper towels and grabbed new ones and wet them again, starting in the same area really cleaning it. "Harry knew how I played, we were both on the community team when we were younger. He knows I'm good. So he felt threatened when I was trying out for the team. He already competes with Louis, and those two have a long history. If he had to compete with me and Louis playing, he would probably lose his team captain position. So he made it his mission to do everything in his power to not get me on the team." He told me.

"What types of things does he do? I mean, unless physically hurting you..." I trailed off as I could feel my mind getting ahead of me and millions of thoughts were flying around. He shakes his head before I thought I was going to cry. How could I fall into his trap?

"No, Shiloh. He hasn't physically put his hands on me until today. I don't know what it was, but something really set him off today." He stated. "There's a plus to being with the popular crowd. You have friends in high places, know people. And when you know people, you can make stuff happen." Liam finishes. Again, I throw out the bloodied wet paper towels and I begin to clean up his nose. We were in the bathroom for another 10 minutes cleaning up and when we finished completely we had walked out of the bathroom and met up with Louis and Niall who seemed showered and changed into regular clothes as opposed to their athletic uniforms.

"You do a good clean up job, Shiloh." Louis says to me. I give him half a smile before patting Liam's arm.

"Yeah, I did." I said to him. We all left the school building, walking down the sidewalks. We kind of played around joking and talking as we got closer and closer to town. We all agreed on grabbing some lunch in town so we made our way to the nearest Nando's. We all walked in and went up to the counter, ordered our meals and then sat down at a table after paying. "Liam, I really want to say I'm sorry...again." I say to him. He just shakes his head and pulls me into a side hug.

"Would you stop apologizing already? That's the third time. It's not your fault." Liam tells me. I feel my face flush as I gave him a half smile.

"I know." I said in a small voice. I look at the other two and think 'what has he done to you'. It must have showed on my face because Niall started talking.

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