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Anika, Mallika, Sahil, Shanaya, Shivay, Kabir, Avni and Dhruv come to Daksh's house as it was Shivika's birthday. Anika had the attire of snow white, Mallika had the attire of Cinderella, Sahil of clown, Shanaya of ballerina, Shivay of Charlie Chaplin, Kabir of easter rabbit, Dhruv of Santa Clause.


Everyone dances with Shivika and Daksh doubts all of them.

D: Tia, don't you think they're people we know?

T: u always think wrong so be quiet.

She went from there knowing who those characters actually were.


A: Shivay, what are we trying? This is wrong.

S: and what he did was right? Listen please, I know what I am doing.

M: Kabir, I am pregnant.

K: this is a very good thing.

M: Kabir, in case if Anika isn't able to get her child back, will you allow me to give this child to her?

Kabir got into deep thoughts.


S: Roshni why you're always sad? Why are you always crying? What's the matter? Tell me maybe I can help.

Roshni took him somewhere and what he saw made him shocked.


S: Dhruv, your family is back here right? Then my so-called father also might be here and your mom too, this time I will take such a revenge that dad will have to come back to mom.

D: what are you going to do?

S: wait and watch.

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