╰❆Epilogue 1❆╮

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[Kim Seungmin]

Five months had passed since Hyunjin and I ended up as a couple. And almost four months since the workers we had hired started building our mansion. It was almost finished, we would move in there tomorrow.
"I'm so excited Hyunjin, can you believe that we're going to leave this apartment behind us tomorrow?" I asked my boyfriend with sparkling eyes. He chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to my lips, caressing the scar on my cheek with his thumb.
"I know how you feel, I'm excited too baby" The raven haired went for another kiss, this time more passionate, but not making it too heated.

"I'm excited for the sleepover, it'll be nice to play matchmakers for Jeongin and Yedam" I giggled, nestling closer to his chest.
"Same. They're so cute together, we really need to make them a thing. It's frustrating to watch them interact while they aren't a couple, I swear they're sweeter with each other than we were before we ended up together" Hyunjin laughed and put his chin onto my shoulder, resting his hands on my hips.
"Well at least they aren't giving each other goodbye kisses unlike us back then" I giggled at the thought of how Jeongin reacted when he found out that we gave each other goodbye kisses while we weren't a thing.


"Woojin is everything ready? It's weird to leave this place behind.." I asked my cousin with a hint of sadness in my voice.
"Yes everything is ready. And I know Seungmin, it's weird to move again...I hope this will be the last time for me to leave a place I called home behind..." He smiled sadly and pulled me into a hug.
"Let's never let fate seperate us after everything that happened to the two of us" I nestled close towards my cousin, cuddling him quietly.
"Never ever Minnie. I promise it. Nothing will ever come between us, not even your Hyunjin or my Chanie." He giggled lightly and let go of me.

"Come we should say goodbye to this place and go." I just nodded and smiled one last time at the empty apartment before leaving it behind me.

"And I thought you'd never come" Hyunjin chuckled as I entered his car.
"Come on that place was my home after my parents passed away, don't judge me" I pouted and pecked the older males cheek.
"Don't make that pouty face, you know that I can't resist you being cute" I just stook out my tongue at the raven haired, turning away from him.
"Shut up and drive me home" I crossed my arms infront of my chest and stared out of the window as my boyfriend began to drive.


"It looks so beautiful Hyunjin, I love this mansion so much" I giggled as I entered the mansion hand in hand with my boyfriend.
"I'm glad that you like it baby" The raven haired smiled as he pulled me towards our new room. It was probably thrice as big as my old room, coloured in white and gold. It had huge windows and a door leading towards a large balcony. Two seperate doors were leading towards huge bathrooms. The room also had a walk-in closet, a chandelier and a king sized bed with two nightstands.

"It is beautiful Hyunjin..." I hugged the elder tightly and hid my face in his neck.
"Yes it is. But not as beautiful as you" He chuckled and put his hands on my hips, caressing them a little bit.
"Don't ruin the moment with your cheesy flirting Hyunjin" I pouted and nestled closer towards him.
"Fine. Come, we should prepare everything for the sleepover, the others should arrive soon" I just nodded and let go of the taller males neck, leaving the room to get all things that were needed for the sleepover.

"Why did you invite the annoying aussie again Seungmin?" Hyunjin asked while we transformed our room into a comfortable place for a sleepover.
"I invited him for Chan. He's australian too so they might get along pretty well. Also, Changbin hyung is still single so I might play matchmakers for them." I laughed as I finished my masterpiece. The room was filled with mattresses, blankets, pillows, snacks, an empty coke bottle and a bunch of coke cans. Perfect for a sleepover with a lot of gay boys.

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