Chapter 17

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~~~~~~Niall's House~~~~~~

Niall's pov

I am currently laying down in my backyard with a bottle of vodka in my hand because i am drinking my feelings away because clearly Selena doesn't feel the fucking same she just stood there looking down all cute and stuff but rather of me standing there and listen to her tell me "i'm sorry Niall i don't feel the same" i just walked away and now i'm here with a bottle half empty actually i had two so one and half bottles i drank yay for me!

I sat up and drank the rest of the bottle i through the bottle and stood up my legs were wobbly but i need to go inside before my mom sees me out here and gives me a lecture

I made my way inside and i walked up to my room and laid on my bed it sucks being in hates me thats why i sleep around thats why i'm a total man whore ahah thats funny. I stayed laying in bed for a good 10 minutes when i hear

"Niall honey...are you home?" I picked up my head and yell back "yes i'm taking a nap" "you have company?" I just groaned in my pillow and picked my head up again "let them in...and tell them to come in my room" i layed my head back in the pillow and waited to see who was the person to come and see me

After two minutes i hear my door open but the person didn't say anything i just stayed quite and waited to see if they would say something. After a few seconds i started to get really curious so i pick up my head and sit up and i really was not expecting to see Selena

"Hi" she says all shy with her arms behind her back i've notice she does that when shes nervous "hey...what are you doing here?.....shouldn't you be with Harry" i say with a serious face not showing any emotions and she just bit her bottom lip and pulled her arms behind her back tighter

"Umm...yeah i shouldn't have came" she put her head down and turned on her heels she put her hand on the door knob and i spoke up"wait...come here and tell me why your here?" She didn't turn around or say anything i got off my bed and walked up to her and i put my hands on her waist and turned her around and i start walking backwards keeping eye contact with her and we got to my bed i sat on my bed and pulled her on my lap and she put her down. If i wanna move on i should really hear her tell me she doesn't feel the same and ill stop

"Go on tell me" i say picking her head up with my thumb her eyes were watery is she about to cry?? "I broke up with Harry" she whispers letting the tears slide down her cheeks my eyes widened I was not expecting that "i broke up with Harry....because...." She pause and i hope shes going to say what i want her to say

"Because....i love ....with a guy i shouldn't have" she bit her bottom lip and i felt my mouth moving but words were not coming out. If words weren't coming out that means i'm fucking speechless for the first time ever. She just giggled "are you going to say some...." I cut her sentence short by putting our lips together in a passionate kiss i felt that fuzzy feeling in my stomach again and shes the only one that makes me feel this way.

I pulled away and she wraped her arms around my neck and put on hand in my hair and put our foreheads together "you took my sentence" i say she said the same thing she just switch girl to guy but it was so cute "shut up" she tap kissed my lips but i put her bottom lip between my teeth and pulled her in for a kiss she giggled and i just smiled

"You stink like vodka" Selena says between the kiss and pulls away and looks me straight in the eyes "yeah i was going to drink the feelings away" she started laughing and i just smiled looking at her "but i don't have to anymore....did you really brake up with Harry?" She took her arms away from my neck and put them in her lap "yeah....he didn't take it to will....and he knows why i...broke up with him" "really?" "Yeah you were pretty loud" i chuckled "who cares but i didn't want Harry to find out like that" "yeah me too..."

I really didn't want Harry to find out like that because he really does love Selena and to be honest I wouldn't want to find out like that ether

Selena just bit her bottom lip and played with her fingers i know she feels guilty i wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer and laid down she snuggled her face in my neck and kissed me i just smiled and say "lets have nap time i'm tired" she just nodded and i put the blanket over us and Selena cuddled up to me and i kissed her forehead and just fell in a peaceful sleep with her in my arms

Hello yes i finally updated! This chapter is a little crappy I rushed through it I had to update today and sorry guys I'm trying to update ever three days but never do hah i never have have the time :,( but hope you like this chapter comment and vote bye for now

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