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After possibly the longest wait ever, my brother finally exits the bathroom. No, it is not what you are thinking. Let me just clarify what I mean, Calum, my 17 year old twin brother, is how would you say this; Self-obsessed. He spends at least 45 minutes in the bathroom every morning, making sure he is looking his best.

You would think it would be the other way around with us two, me being the girl and everything but that is definatly not the case. Since the age of 13 Calum has been inseparable from the mirror; actually to be quite honest anything with a reflective surface.

I guess for good reason though. What 17 year old boy wouldn't be self-obsessed if he had a million and one girls swarming all over him, making him feel like he is the hottest thing to ever walk the earth. I on the other hand, am the complete opposite of Calum. I'm Anastasia Grace by the way, but i just like Ana.

I am possibly the most self-conscious and shy person you will ever meet. As a rule I try to avoid anyone and everyone when I am at school; or pretty much anywhere. I've never been one to enjoy attention and I guess that is why I keep myself to a minimum when it comes to the whole social thing.

I quickly run into the bathroom like my life is depending on it. After 2 minutes I have managed to brush my teeth, slap on some foundation and scoop my hair up into a messy bun before running down stairs in an attempt to catch the bus which would be leaving any minute now. It is mine and Calum's first day at our new school after the summer holidays; we cannot afford to be late.

I jog slightly to the bus stop making it just as Calum is getting on. He has a small smirk on his face as he is obviously well aware that the reason I almost missed the bus is due to his little bathroom stunt. I greet the bus driver with a simple hello before I walk about half way up the bus to an empty seat. Calum on the other hand walks straight to the back of the bus, acting like he has being going to this school his whole life. He receives a number of stares from girls all the way up the bus curious about whom this mysterious (cute) new boy is.

The bus seems to fill up quicker than what I am used to. Most of the seats are now full up, with the occasional free spot next to someone; luckily including me. I decide to put in my earphones in the hope that if someone else is to hop on the bus and feels the need to sit next to me at least they won't try and make conversation.

Lucky I acted when I did because at the next stop a boy hops on the bus, walking straight to the seat next to me and asks if it is okay for him to sit there. Not wanting to seem rude, I simply nod my head hoping that once he takes a seat he won't try and make a conversation.

I try to look at the boy quickly without him noticing; however I fail miserably catching his eye, he smiles, mouthing something to me straight after. I take out one of my earphones, trying my best to keep cool. The boy repeats what he had said just moments before "What are you listening to?", I quickly examine the boy's face before replying. "I.. ahh.. I was listening to All Time Low but the song just finished, so now I'm listening to Green day" I didn't realise how nervous this boy was making me until I tried to string a sentence together without stuttering.

As I look at this boy more, I notice how pretty he is. No, pretty isn't a good way to describe a guy, he is definatly attractive though. His skin is perfect with the exception of maybe 2 or 3 blemishes, a blonde quiff neatly styled on the top of his head and a black shiny lip ring giving off an almost bad boy quality.

The boy smiles once again, seeming almost impressed with what I had just said. "Glad to finally meet a girl that hasn't limited her music selection to Justin Bieber and boy bands, I'm Luke." A small smile grows on my face, I reach out my hand exchanging a small handshake with the boy I now know as Luke, "I'm Anastasia-Grace but just call me Ana." As I finish what I'm saying I realise the bus has come to a halt at the school gates and students have started to filter off the bus. Although I'm excited to get off the bus and start my day at this new school I feel almost disappointed that I have to stop talking to the attractive boy sitting next to me on the bus, who I will most likely never speak to again.

The first 2 periods of the day went reasonably fast, it was now time for our 20 minute break before more classes. I look around the Year 11 area in which I am, for a quiet place to sit by myself and eat. As my eyes skim the outside picnic area, I'm suddenly aware of the fact that Luke, attractive boy from the bus Luke, is sitting next to Calum acting as if they've known each other for ever. Knowing Calum they probably have, Calum seems to know everyone our age from every school. Don't ask me how because it's beyond me, I struggle to know one person our age.

I finally find a small grass area around a corner, protected from all the other teenagers who are sitting down laughing with their friends while eating their snacks. I'm halfway through eating my apple when I look up to be greeted by a pair of gorgeous ocean blue eyes staring at me; it's Luke. "Hi Ana" he says, quiet enough, it's could almost a whisper. I push back the smile wanting to creep onto my face before replying, "Hi Luke".

"I saw you staring at me before, I know I'm ridiculously good looking but there is no need to stare. Maybe next time you can walk your pretty little butt over to where I am and say hi", I'm surprised by what he just said, but then it all starts to make sense. Of course he has all the self-confidence in the world, he's friends with my brother. That can only mean one of two things - he's an exception or he's a ladies man.

I don't know what came over me or where the confidence came from but before I can stop myself I hear the words leave my lips, "For your information Luke, I was not staring at you. I was looking at my brother, hoping to catch him alone to ask him a question so don't go assuming I can't keep my eyes off of you and try and think of all the possible reasons why I could be looking in your general direction."

I can see as my words hit him, a look of confusion wash over his face. "Who's your brother? I'm sorry, please forgive me Ana" A pleading look suddenly stuck to his face with his bottom lip stuck out like a small child trying to convince his mother to buy him a new toy. I give in instantly, not being able to resist his cute face. "My twin brother happens to be Calum Hood, the guy you were talking to when I was supposably staring at you". His face changes into an expression I am unable to read. Suddenly he hops up quickly mumbling something along the lines of "I forgot to do something sorry Ana, bye." and before I can even comprehend what just happened his gone, leaving me sitting alone once again.

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