Found You: (Niall Fan- Fic) Chapter 3: Goodbye

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**Niall's POV**

As we walked to her house, things were quiet at first. More or less awkward. Then the cutest little puppy that came out of, basically nowhere came running to Grace. Of course, being the kind person that she is, she stopped and picked it up. She didn't know what to do with the dog, she couldn't just  come home from her absence and have a dog with her. Her parents would be appalled. 

"I'll take him" I said. I wouldn't mind having a little dog in my house. He seemed friendly and my family wouldn't mind at all. 

"Really?," Grace asked with her green eyes wide. I must admit, she was one of the most beautiful girls I had seen in a long time. Maybe in all of time. 

"Yeah! Why not? I'll just stop by the veternarian tomorrow morning. No worries." I said. 

"Thank you! He'll have a great home and a great caretaker." Grace said and I laughed. 

For the rest of the walk, we mostly just talked about ourselves. I really got to know her. She's really nice and sweet. I didn't know much to talk about, so I kind of let her talk more. She told me some funny stories, and much much more. 

I think I made her laugh much more however. 

As we approached her home, she spoke about her reluctantness to go home. But she wanted to go home at the same time. It's amazing how much she entrusted me with in such a matter of minutes.

It's absolutely amazing.

**Grace's POV**

The closer we go to my house, the more I got scared. I was hoping my grandparents would be gone and everything would be normal again. 

"Well, I'm home. Thanks. A lot. I really appreciate it." I said squeezing his arm and he smiled.

"Don't mention it! It's nothing. Really." Niall said and shoving his hands into his pocket.

This is that awkwars part. The awkward gap. When you meet someone, and you have to say goodbye, but you don't really know how to say it. So you stand there and then you say bye at the same time, and laugh about the mistake and turn around and go inside and wave at each other until you close the door. 

That's how it is in the movies. 

"Okayy...soo...bye, I guess." I said.

What else was I supposed to say?

"Ha. Bye Grace" he said and he turned down my walkway and smiled at me.

'Well that was obviously easier for him than me' I thought, but soon shrugged it off.

Late hesitation came over me as I thought about my family, but I shook that off too, and let the unfearing side of me come over and took a chance.


Sorry that the chapters are kind of short! I'm working on it! But I prefer short and sweet! 

Chapter 4 shall be posted on 7/11/12-7/14/12




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