Chapter ~11~ Breaking Down

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  • Dedicated to Heather, who is doing well after her heart surgery

Chapter 11- Louis's P.O.V

I woke up hearing a steady beeping coming from across the room. I slowly opened my eyes, ignoring the throbbing in my head. I pulled myself up despite the pain in my ribs. I looked across the room, and noticed Niall sitting in the bed next to me, reading a magazine.

"Niall?" I croaked, my throat dry. He put down his magazine and smiled weakly at me.

"What happened to you?" I asked. He was hooked up to the heart monitor.

"I got a concussion. Harry has a fractured wrist and whiplash, Zayn has cracked ribs like you. You also have a slight concussion, but not as bad as mine." He said, shifting in his bed, wincing.

"What about Liam?" I asked, getting out of the bed carefully. He sighed.

"He's..uh..not so good." Niall's eyes teared up, and I tensed.

"Niall. What's wrong with him." I asked, starting to shake.

"He's in a coma." He whispered. I closed my eyes, willing this to be a dream. Tears streamed down my face as I fell do my knees. He has to be fine. Liam has to be okay. Niall was yelling something and I felt arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes to see Harry hugging me. I pulled away and got up, running down the hall, Harry screaming for me to stop. I kept running, and ended up outside. I walked over to the gardens, and sat on a bench, sobbing.

This can't be happening. Right when I think things may turn out fine, my whole world falls down around me. I wiped my face and hugged myself, staring out into the distance. I got up and walked back inside, avoiding any main hallways. I went to the stairs, and pushed open the door. I ran up five flights before I came to the door of the roof. I walked out and sat on the ground, staring into the horizon. I really need this time to think. I leaned against a wall, and closed my eyes. I know I should see Liam, but at this point, I can't see him hurt. I don't like seeing the ones I love hurt. My eyes flew open.

Did I just say I love him? But I'm with Harry, right? My head swirled with so many thoughts, I didn't even see Zayn sit next to me.

"I knew you'd be here. You always liked roofs." He leaned against the wall and looked at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head.

"My whole life's a complete mess. Everything I try to do ends up a catastrophe! I'm a screw up." I buried my head in my hands, too afraid to look Zayn in the eyes. I know I was the one driving, and this was partly my fault. I would trade spots with Liam right now if I could. I deserved to be in a coma. Not Liam!

"You're not a screw up, Louis. But life's complicated until you figure things out. It was a drunk driving that swerved into our lane. It's not your fault. Go see Liam, Lou. Please?" He pleaded, and I thought about it. I may feel better staying with Liam for a while. I nodded then stood up, my legs wobbly from sitting for so long. I walked to the door, and Zayn followed me.

"Thanks, Zayn." I said as we walked down the crowded hallway. He patted my back.

"Anytime." We walked to Liam's room, room 243. I slowly opened the door, afraid of what I might see.


Niall's P.O.V

I already visited Liam earlier, before Louis woke up and freaked out, so I didn't want to go again. I needed to clear my head, so as soon as I was discharged, I walked out of the hospital, and straight to the nearest Starbucks. I knew that even though I have a concussion, I shouldn't be doing too much, but I needed to get out. I ordered a regular coffee, and sat in a booth, hidden away from the door, not wanting to be recognized. I sipped my coffee, staring out the window, collecting my thoughts.

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