Chapter ~13~ Welcome Home

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  • Dedicated to Those Crazy Directioners I love<3

Chapter 13- Liam's P.O.V

The hospital bed was really starting to get uncomfortable, and the food wasn't helping. I mean, I know I just got out from a coma, but I don't want just pudding. And they even gave me a bloody spoon! A BLOODY SPOON! I asked for a fork, and the nurse thought something was wrong with me, so she took my temperature. Seriously. I really couldn't wait to get out of here, and get back to the boys. Louis looked terrible when I saw him, and I feel bad it's because he thought my coma was his fault. Harry looked peeved at how concerned Louis was. His glare kinda scared me. It was a mix of, "Imma kill you!", and "Not again." I now feel horrible.

"Hey Li." Niall said, coming into my room, chewing on a bagel. I turned off my TV as he sat down.

"Hey Niallers. Where's my bagel?" I joked, and he offered me the rest of his.

" But thanks for trying to share." I chuckled and he gave me a smile. Bit of bagel fell out of his mouth, and I made a face.

"Ew. Mouth closed please. How are the boys?" I asked, since I didn't see them since yesterday.

"Louis and Harry made up, but Zayn shut himself in his roof, and isn't speaking, so we don't know what got shoved up his butt." Niall said, pulling out a card.

"This is from Simon." He said, handing me the white envelope. I pulled out the card, and in it was a girl card to Jack Wills.

"Gotta love Uncle Si. I got a gift card to Jack Wills, and he said for me to get better soon." I smiled and placed the card on the table next to me.

"So, Niall, tell me about this Hannah Dyer girl." Niall blushed a deep red when I mentioned Hannah.

"She's a girl. And I really like her. She's not like other girls, Liam! She's so sweet and caring, yet she handles the boys so well!" He gushed, and I patted his shoulder.

"Little Nialler is all grown up. Use protection, mate." I said seriously, and Niall choked.

"What the hell, Liam! It's been less than a week!" I shrugged.

"You never know what happens in the spur of the moment, Niall." HE looked at me and shook his head, walking away. Louis walked in, and Niall called in,

"USE PROTECTION!" Making Louis and I blush. I scratched my neck awkwardly. Louis coughed and stood there, shifting from foot to foot.

"You can sit down, Louis." He sat and leaned in his chair. I took in his appearance. He looked better than he did when I woke up, that's for sure. It looks like he's eating now.

"I don't want this to be awkward, so spill. What's wrong?" I asked, and Louis tensed.

"Nothing Liam. I just wanted to make sure you're okay." He replied softly, avoiding answering.

"Louis, you know I'm fine." I said, getting annoyed. He shrugged.

"Just making sure." The room then had this awkward tension in it, and I didn't like it one bit. I turned on the TV and payed attention to that instead of the awkward silence.

"Liam, I'm sorry. But I don't know what I'm feeling anymore. I'm really confused, and I have no one to talk to." He sniffed back tears, and my heart broke.

"Lou, you can always talk to me, okay? I would never judge you, and I'll listen." Lou shook his head.

"I can't Li. I can't." He whispered.

"Why not?" I asked softly. Lou looked up at me with wide eyes.

"It's too much." He said before getting up and walking out." I tried to protest, but he was gone before I could open my mouth. I snatched my mobile off my nightstand, and pressed 3, speed dialling Zayn.

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