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 Paul has tagged Drew in his status: Just like that?


 Drew: Just like that.

 Paul: Okay....

 Dawn: Why?

 Drew: *Shrugs* I've proved my point

 Drew: Gotta get her back before it's to late

 May: You broke up with me just to prove a point!?

 Drew: Yes

 May: ...

 May: You're to smart for your own good

 Drew: I know

 Paul: I'm questioning how your relationship works...

 Dawn: Me too tbh

 Catastrophe has tagged Arceus in her status: Quick! I need memes!


 Arceus: Hang on...

 Officer Jenny: *narrows eyes* Legal?

 Arceus: ...

 Catastrophe: I don't even know what illegal memes are...

 Ash has updated his status: I missed home, but I'm glad to be back in Alola!


 Lana: I thought you were coming home tomorrow...

 Kiawe: Same.

 Ash: I was but, Misty kinda shoved me onto a plane and was like,

 Ash: "Here! You can have him."

 Misty: I missed you but, stay in Alola for a while. I can't handle too much of Ash crazy.

 Mallow: And what makes you think we can?

 Misty: Idk 

 Misty: Just keep him

 Catastrophe has updated her status: Planning your own highschool curriculum is stressful.


 Gladion: Everything with you is stressful

 Catastrophe: I know

 Catastrophe: I just keep reminding myself that there's only three weeks till summer

  Cheren has tagged Bianca in his status: Put that down!


 Bianca: I'm just carrying water, Cherry

 Cheren: Wait for it...

 Bianca: Oops!

 Cheren: There it is *sigh*

 Hilda: Bi, are you sure those glasses help?

 Bianca: *whispers* I didn't really drop it. It's just easier to make him think I did than to explain how I didn't.

 Hilda: Oh...

 Cheren: WhAt?

 Gladion has tagged Hau and Lillie in his status: You two are to stay downstairs, where I can keep an eye on you. Understood?


 Hau: Y-yep!

 Lillie: Brother!

 Gladion: Understood?!

 Lillie: Yes, brother...

 Moon: The whole 'overprotective brother' thing is cute, but don't you think you're taking it a little far?

 Moon: I mean it's Hau

 Gladion: That's what I'm worried about

 Moon: ...

 Moon: Lil, I tried

 Lillie: Thx anyway...


 Sorry It's so short but, it's  1 in the morning and I have to get up at 7:30


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