Scene 3

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"OH. MY. GOD, CLAIRE! I must be dreaming." I shook my head, as if the motion would clear my vision. Her bedroom was, well, not her bedroom. All the normal furniture had vanished to be replaced with low tables around the edges. More like benches really. Of course, flower faeries are on a whole different scale from human beings. The diminutive creatures resemble the traditional image of fairies: large butterflies with humanoid bodies. In the center of the room was a round dais in front of a silvery waterfall of light.

I nodded to the delicate beings who floated and flitted around the room and edged closer to Claire. "What is that thing?" I whispered.

She shrugged, busy greeting each of the tiny faeries. "Think of it as a mirror. It'd take too long to explain it properly."

"Mirror. Gotcha." I stood perfectly still, not sure what I should be doing.

Claire turned to me. Her eyes widened, but then she giggled. "You look like a deer caught in headlights."

"Well, I feel kind of like one. What am I supposed to do? Where should I stand? There's no place to sit."

Claire clapped her hands, and the flower faeries assembled before her. A squadron of gossamer-winged girls in rainbow hued dresses floated before us at shoulder height.

"Thank you for coming, fair ones. This is my friend, Lexie. She is a mortal, but she has been gifted with the Sight by King Alberic. If you are willing, I would like you to make a gown for each of us."

The faeries buzzed with excitement. I tried to listen, to really hear what they were saying, but I couldn't distinguish words. All I got was an impression — a breeze rustling flower petals, or water trickling over small stones — but they seemed happy and excited. At least, I hoped none of them were offended to be asked to dress a mortal.

Claire turned to me with a dazzling smile. My breath caught. Most of the time, I didn't see a faery princess when I looked at Claire. Most of the time, I just saw my best friend. The girl I'd known since preschool. The one who'd always been there for me, and who I'd been loyal to in return. Claire was, well, just Claire.

But at that moment, standing within the familiar four walls of her now unfamiliar room, I suddenly knew I was in the presence of royalty. I saw Claire as the flower faeries saw her: incomprehensibly beautiful, the embodiment of grace and honor and nobility, and powerful beyond my understanding.

I stumbled back from her, my eyes wide.

A small frown creased her brow and she stepped toward me, concern coloring her light green eyes...and suddenly she was my Claire again. My best friend in all the world. The girl who knew my secrets and loved me anyway.

"What's wrong, Lexie? Are you sick? I can make all this go away if it's freaking you out."

I smiled, a bit on the wobbly side, and reached for her hand. "Are you kidding? Miss the chance to see your friends at work? Not on your life!"

She grinned, and my world righted itself. Who cared that Claire was immortal, and I would age and die? Best buds are best buds.  Besides, how else would I get a flower faery gown for prom?

We spent the afternoon taking turns on the dais, gazing into the waterfall mirror while the flower faeries worked their enchantment. Visions of me in gorgeous dresses with my hair styled in impossible coifs flashed before my eyes. A few of the designs would've made Brent's eyes pop right out of his head, but I knew those gowns would never make it past Mrs. M's censorship. What a shame. I mean, who knew I had boobs that could look that glamorous?

I've got to admit, my own eyes popped at some of the fashions the faeries dressed Claire in. Wow! No way would Roddy want her to be seen in public wearing that little number. The fabric resembled moonlight sparkling on water...and little else! I mean, she was covered...kinda...but the gown left nothing to the imagination, and Claire had a lot to display!

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