Who's the new girl?

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Y/N Prov:

I was jumping tree to tree from my L/N clan for being a outcast then made a sharp turn in the bushes but I stumbled and start to roll diwn a hill hitting my head making everything go black.

Shikamaru Prov:

'What a drag. This mission was a waste of time.' I thought to myself as I walk with my team members and my sensei Asuma then I heard some wrestling and some branches snapping. I ran over to the sound then move some branches aside to see a girl... with cat ears!!? And a tail!? What the?? "Guys!" I shouted then kneel down to the girl with soft H/C with a beautiful face... 'What am I thinking!?' I thought in my head blushing deeply into a dark shade of red then quickly shook my head hiding my red face.

Y/N Prov:

Everything was dark I couldn't see anything "Is she going to be okay??" I heard a female voice asked making me groan "Shh! She's waking up" I heard a male voice said. I start to open my eyes slightly then sat up as I rub my head groaning "W-What... happen..?" I asked then looks over seeing a boy with a ponytail and a blonde hair girl then a slightly chubby boy and a tall man with a beard smoking a cigarette.
My tail flicks side to side my ears twitch slightly looking at them "We don't know, but we hope you did but it seems you forgot" said the bared guy.

Third person view Prov:

"What a drag" Shikamaru said annoyed hearing Y/N answer making her ears bend down then making her sand and looks down that made Shikamaru feel guilty about what he said then looks away with his hand in his pockets. Ino punch Shikamaru arm then looks at Y/N "So sorry about him! But I'm glad your okay! Right Asuma sensei?" She asked Asuma looking over at him.
Asuma put out his cigarette and looks at Y/N but he soon looks in those E/C eyes he felt getting lose in them having no words to say but snap out of it then gives his calm smile "Heh, yep glad your okay kid Um... kitty" He said then playfully mess up Y/N hair then scratch behind her ear making Y/N purr in delightfulness and her tail swish side to side.
"Awwwww!!!" Ino said looking at the cute moment with Asuma and Y/N but Shikamaru and Choji felt jealousy filled them. Y/N blushes deeply in embracement hearing Ino then looks away shyly.
"What's your name?" Choji asked Y/N looking at her and blushes deeply. I smile slightly and blushes deeply "I'm Y-Y/N" She said looking down feeling embarrassment.
Shikamaru and Choji blush at Y/N kawaii shyness.


Y/N Prov:

I was out of the hospital with my head healed up. I look around the Village then stop at a cute white puppy running to me then jumps at me tackling me to the ground and barks at me making me giggle as my tail flicks side to side and pet the puppy head "Aww! Cute!" I said then smile "Akamaru!" I heard a husky male voice shouted then I look to see a boy with two fangs red paint on both sides of his cheeks looking around for someone "Come on boy!" He shouted.
The dog barks getting the boy attention making the boy ran over to me "There you- Wha! Who are you?" The boy asked looking at me.
"I'm Y-Y/N..." I whisper softly then the puppy jumps in the boy arms "Hi I'm Kiba and this little troublemaker is Akamaru!" Kiba said to me and smile at me.
I blush deeply at him.
"Cute ears and tail!" Kiba said then pets me. I blush deeply and purr at Kiba petting me not caring of the villagers watching us.

Kiba Prov:

I blush deeply at Y/N and felt my heart race making me get lost in those beautiful eyes and she's so cute! "WHAT THE HELL!? I JUST MET HER!' I shouted in my head as my face was a blushing mess.
"You okay...?" Y/N asked me with her cute concerned face making me lost with words.

Y/N Prov:

I was getting uncomfortable that Kiba didn't say anything then start to walk away to see more of the village. But I saw a rave hair boy looking annoyed with that pink haired girl and blonde hair boy so I walk up to them to see were this will lead.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!)

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