Chapter 2

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"So what did you do last night Lou?" Zayn asked me as I pulled my books out of my locker. I tensed up knowing I wasn't really good at lying. I tended to smile and laugh whenever I tried to. I should be better at it since I acted, but I wasn't.

"I was just on Facebook last night," that was telling the truth. He didn't need to know I wasn't on my profile.

"Yeah some fit girl added me on there last night. No idea who she was but she was hot," I smiled to myself. At least I knew when a girl was attractive or not. I mean I know I'm gay but I can still tell who's ugly and whose not.

"Oh yeah she added me too. Must be new to Facebook and wanted some friends," I played it off shutting my locker and following Zayn to our English class.

"Maybe she's a new student or something?" Zayn said holding the door open for me. Our teacher wasn't there yet but she never was. I'm pretty sure she was having an affair with my biology teacher even though both of them are married. Old people.

"No she said she was homeschooled," I said taking my seat and pulling out my script to go over my lines again. I had gotten the lead in the school play again, and tonight was our first rehearsal without scripts. I wanted to make sure I had all my lines down because I knew Mr. V would kill me if I didn't.

"What did you stalk her profile?" I hadn't even thought that it would be weird that I know that off the top of my head. I guess I was going to have to be more careful if I want to keep this my secret.

"No I just checked her out before I added her. I didn't want some freak friending me," I lied. He nodded his head going back to drinking some of the coffee I had picked him up this morning. It was kind of our deal. I would buy really overpriced coffee for breakfast and he would buy lunch. It worked out well for the both of us. The class started to fill up as it got closer for the first bell to ring. I saw our teacher come in. She fixed her hair a little before taking her seat. Mrs. Brubeck was nice looking for an older women and she seemed happy, but everyone has something to hide.

I saw Harry come in and he took his normal seat right in front of me. He sent me a smile before sitting and pulling out his phone. He seemed to be scrolling through his Instagram. I looked over his shoulder a little before I felt Zayn hit my arm. He sent me a look which told me I was getting to close. Thank god I had Zayn here with me or I would probably be smelling Harry at the moment.

"Alright be quiet class has started now," Mrs. Brubeck said after the bell rang. The class quieted down slowly as she pulled up our next project on the projector. We had just gotten done with a fight the man project. Zayn and I had done ours on Bono with Niall. We had gotten an A probably because Niall had brought in his guitar and had played some U2 songs while we did our project. Needless to say we hadn't had to work hard for that A. Niall wasn't here at the moment though. He was on vacation with his parents in Jamaica. What I would give for some sun and surf right now.

"So this next project will be another partner presentation. I know you all hate talking in front of the class, but get used to it. This will be another bigger project and you will be working with your partner for the next two months," I looked over at Zayn seeing he was looking at me. We both nodded at each other doing a telepathic partner up. Everyone was doing it. Looking at the person you wanted to work with to see if they were looking back. If they were you had a partner, if they weren't your fucked.

"Now before everyone goes picking their partner, I have already picked them for you. I will be giving you your partners next week. This week you will work on some independent stuff," I groaned hating working with new people. You ether got the one who wanted to do everything or the one who did nothing at all. I liked working with my friends because I already knew their strength and weakness. This project was going to suck.

"Alright so for this project you will have to find something that you think needs to be brought to public attention. Then you need to say how you can help this cause or problem. You can do this in however format you want, but I want you to be passionate about whatever you pick," I hated projects like this. Why couldn't they just give us a topic and then we figured it out.

"This is going to suck," I heard Harry groan as he moved lower in his seat. I knew he hated to talk in front of people. You would think someone like him would like everyone's eyes on him but it seemed to fluster him. He tended to rub his neck a lot and shift around. Harry always tried to do the least amount of talking when he worked with a group.

"Alright so work with the people around you and talk about some of the issues on this paper," I smiled over at Zayn. At least this part we could work together. I was just about to say something to Zayn when we were interrupted.

"Can I join you two? Liam and I aren't talking at the moment," and I knew why. Liam had gotten drunk last weekend and had kissed the girl Harry had been seeing. They weren't an official couple, but it had been the talk of the school that Monday.

"Yeah sure," Zayn said giving me a look. He knew this was like the best day of my life at the moment. We got through the causes on the paper and which were more important to fix.

"So, how's the play going you got the lead right?" Harry asked trying to make conversation. I slightly cheered thinking that he knew something about me.

"Good we're starting on stage today, so I'm like cramming all my lines into my head," I told him.

"I'm sure you will do great. I last play I went to you were really funny," I felt the blush go to my cheek. How did I not know he was there?

"Yeah Lou here's a little worried because he has to kiss Layla," I sent a glare to Zayn at his comment. I mean it wasn't like I was hiding the fact I was gay. Pretty much everyone knew because I had dated guys before at school so it wasn't like I was in the closet. I just didn't want to make Harry feel uncomfortable. He didn't usually talk to us so I didn't want to ruin this.

"Oh yeah from what I heard from Liam she has wandering hands," Harry joked. I groaned having heard that from other people as well.

"Lou you better watch out then because you have the best arse," Zayn said laughing. I heard the teacher tell us to be quiet since we were laughing a little loud.

"I don't even know why she got the lead. She can't sing for shit." She sounded like a whale to me, but Mr.V had picked her so it wasn't like I had a choice. Layla freaked me out, she was touchy and known for being a slag.

"It's because her dad said she had to get the lead or he would stop his donations." This is what you get for going to a rich school. Everyone has a lot of money, so everyone is always trying to one up each other. From the parties or what they drive and wear. It was hard to be top of the food chain in this school for long.

The bell rang and Zayn and I said goodbye to Harry before we headed to gym class. The rest of the day went as usual nothing exciting happening. Rehearsal went well and we ended right before the kissing part. I was happy because Layla was definitely in a mood today. She was late to practice today because she and her boyfriend had been making out in the dressing room.

When I got home I logged onto Quinn's Facebook to see more people had added her. I posted a status before going through and seeing what everyone was up to. I was just about log out when the messenger button lite up.

Harry Styles


I swear I almost shit myself.


So thank you guys for reading. I hope you like this story so far.

I would like to get to know my readers better so what's your favorite one direction song, and do you have any pets.

Mine is Happily and I play it way to much according to my mom.

Also I have a lot of pets. I have two dogs, two cats, a rat, and a horse.

Please vote and comment. Luv yah ~Emxx:P

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