Chapter 5

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“Alright I will pass around the packets and it will have the name of your partner in the top corner, and no switching because I have it written down who your partner is,” Mrs. Brubeck shouted. I watched as she walked around the room handing each person their packet. You could tell who was happy with their partner and who was not. She finally made her way over to us. She handed Harry his packet first. He instantly turned his chair around once he glanced that I was indeed his partner. He left out a breath of relief smiling at me. She handed me mine before giving Zayn his.

“Who did you get?” I asked him. I knew he had figured out who my partner was.

“Liam,” Zayn said just as Liam took a seat at the now empty desk next to him. Usually Perrie sat there, but she must have already moved when she found out who her partner was.

“Today you will be working with the group next to you. I want you to come up with ideas in your group, so that you don’t get stuck with a really dumb idea,” Mrs. Brubeck said before taking a seat and pulling out her phone.

“So, I guess we are all working together today,” Liam said awkwardly.

“Great,” Harry mumbled under his breath. He moved his chair so he was no longer sitting in front of me but to the side of me. It was like he wanted as much distance between him and Liam as possible.

“So, does anyone have any ideas of what they wanted for their project?” I asked trying to make this less awkward for everyone.

“Yeah, Lou I wanted to do something with animals. I volunteer at the animal clinic, and I want to be a vet when I get older,” Harry told me. I smiled not knowing he was passionate about animals. It made him that much cuter.

“We could do animal abuse. There are like so many different types of it, and we can work at the animal shelter and take pictures for our presentation,” well that was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be. I hadn’t even thought of anything yet and he already had like the whole thing planned.

“Do you have any ideas Liam?” Zayn asked him.

“Nope,” Liam said looking back down to his phone. He was pretty much completely ignoring us.

“Well we could do drug use or something,” Zayn and I started laughing at the thought of him teaching others not to use drug. That we be slightly hypocritical of him to tell people not to do drugs when he did it himself.

“Why don’t you do like childhood cancer or something? Your moms a Doctor so it will be easier for you to get information about it,” I told him seeing as his partner wasn’t being much help. I felt it had all to do with Harry being here and not the fact that he didn’t want to help.

“Yeah that sounds good thanks,” Zayn said. I turned to look at Harry, and he was glaring daggers at Liam. I nudged him with my elbow telling him to stop. I didn’t want these two to get into a fight in the middle of class

“Well since we figured out what we are doing I guess we don’t have to work as a group anymore,” Harry said getting up from his seat. I gave him a weird look but grabbed my stuff and followed him to the front of the room. I didn’t know were he expected us to go since both our seat were back there. I thought he was just going to take us to two empty desks, but he surprised me by leading me up to the teachers.

“Mrs. Brubeck can Louis and I please go to the library. The other group and our group has chosen our topics and we would like to get a head start on the research,” Harry said charmingly. Man this kid was an amazing sweet talker. I would have to remember that.

“That’s fine,” Mrs. Brubeck said writing us a pass for the library. We thanked her before heading out of the classroom.

“Sorry about that I just can’t stand being around Liam right now,” Harry murmured as we made our way to the library.

“It’s fine. What’s going on with Liam and you anyway,” I was trying to sound like I wasn’t prying. Which I was.

“He just doesn’t care about anyone else but himself,” I was going to ask something else but we had gotten to the library. Harry held the door open for me as I walked in. I lead him over to where I usually sat when I was in here. It was a secluded corner with really comfy couch’s. I didn’t spend much time in the here though.

“You sure your fine with the animal abuse thing because we could do something else,” Harry said sitting next to me on the couch. He was actually pretty close to me, which distracted me from answering him. “Lou are you alright?”

“Yeah sorry, I’m fine with that. I really had no clue on what to do so I’m glad that you had an idea. Especially one that will be easy for us to research,” I told him.

“Okay good. I already talked to the ladies who run the clinic and they said we can come in whenever,” he rushed out grabbing his bag and pulling out his laptop. For the rest of the period he showed me all about the clinic he worked, and some of the research he had already done on the topic. It was kind of cute how into this Harry was. You could see how passionate he was about animals.

“So when is a good time for you this week to come by the clinic?” He asked once the bell had run telling us first period was over.

“Um I’m free tomorrow after school. Mrs. Paris has a meeting so we don’t have play practice tomorrow. I should warn you now though that I have no sense of direction, so I very well could get lost trying to get there. Even with my GPS,” you don’t know how many party’s I have missed just because I couldn’t find the damn place.

“I can just give you a ride there after school, so you don’t get lost,” Harry offered as he held the door open for me again.

“That would be great but how am I going to get to school. I can’t very well leave my car in the car park,” I told him stopping at my locker.

“I can pick you up tomorrow morning if you want?” I swear my heart almost burst at his offer.

“Um sure that sounds great. Do you want me to write down my address for you,” I asked reaching for my notebook.

“No just text it to me,” Harry said pulling out his phone.

“I don’t have you number,” I tell him confused.

“Well then I will just have to give it to you,” he smirked before handing me his phone. I typed in my number sending a message to my phone. I heard the ding from my phone telling me I had gotten a text. I was just about to say something when the bell rang telling me we were late to class. I quickly told him bye grabbing my books and heading to my next class. So far this day was turning out amazing.

Catfish (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now