I'm Fine.

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Callie's POV:

Four weeks and three days. Four weeks and three days since Jude was killed. I have barely eaten. I have barely been out of my room, considering it's summer vacation, and two weeks and three days since I seen my dad for the first time in six almost seven years. Nothing has been going my way, except that Brandon and I are together. He's honestly the one person that I need most right now, even though I haven't said more than ten words to him since the night of the funeral. But it's not like he hasn't tried talking to me, I just tell him I'm fine, or okay. I know he doesn't believe me, but he understands, and I love him so much for that. While Brandon is at his dad's house, I'm sitting here just hoping that Jude is up there laughing and smiling, because I don't know what I would do if he wasn't.

"Callie, you need to eat, or at least take a walk." Stef told me while Lena was sitting on the foot of my bed.

"I'm fine." I muttered back.

"Okay, I'm not going to force you to get up and do anything, but at least eat an apple, or crackers, or anything." I could tell Stef was practically begging me to eat so I got up and made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Jesus and Marianna were doing homework. When they heard me they both bolted their heads up, with a look of surprise on their faces. I just walked into the kitchen and poured some water in a glass and made a sandwich. I know I don't look very good, considering all I have done is take showers and then put my pajamas on again. It took me about ten minutes to even eat half my sandwich and I was full. So I put it in the trash and put my dishes in the sink. Marianna asked me how I was and I mumbled the same thing I told Stef.


About three hours after I ate half of that sandwich, which made me sick to my stomach, I was still just sitting there in my bed until I heard the front door open and close. Finally. I thought to myself. Not even two minutes later there's a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said with my strongest voice. The door opened and revealed Brandon. Brandon wasn't himself though, he had dark circles under his eyes and looked like he had something to say, but didn't really know how to.

"Hi Cal." His raspy voice called.

"What's wrong?" I asked already knowing something was up.

"I can't stand to see you like this anymore. I can't sleep at night knowing that you're hurting like this. I need to take your pain away, I want to see your face light up again, I want to be able to kiss you-"

"You can kiss me." I interrupted him.

"I feel bad if I kiss you because-"

"Please kiss me. Please." I practically begged, and he did. He practically ran from the door to where I was now standing by the foot of my bed. He grabbed me by my face with so much hunger and passion, and pressed his lips to mine. Our lips moved perfectly in sync for five minutes and nothing matter, not my adoption, not that it was illegal, not how much I missed my brother, not that B kissed Talya, not that the family could walk in at any second. Nothing, just me and Brandon, and that made me feel more alive than anything. After we pulled away we just stared into eachothers eyes, his eyes mirrored mine, with so much love, hurt and passion. I need Brandon. I need Brandon so much it hurts. We just stood there and Brandon finally cleared his throat.

"I gotta go Callie, but I'll come here in the morning, it's almost eleven."

"Where's Marianna?"

"She left to go hang out with Emma, something about bonding?" He said with a small laugh. I nodded my head in understanding. We just stood there and I love it. I felt so much better, it's like Brandon was the only thing that made me feel better. I miss him, even though he's standing here. I quickly hugged him just so I wouldn't feel so alone anymore.

"I love you Brandon." I muttered into his shoulder.

"I love you too Callie." He paused.

"Forever." And I mumbled a forever back and he let go and walked out of the room. I finally felt so much better, and even though I miss Jude more than anything, I know I wouldn't want him to be like this if I passed, so I'm not gonna do this to him. I walked to my bed, and rubbed my lips, which were still tingling from mine and Brandon's kiss.


I woke up in a cold sweat, nightmares were back, but this one was defiantly the worst.

"Can I have a kiss goodbye?" I ignored my mom.

"Okay, well I'll see you later on. We won't be too late." She walked out the door.

The scenes switched.

"Callie Jacobs will be placed under the court of law until July 16, 2013, case dismissed." The judge announced.

"Please! Let me say goodbye to Jude! Get him out of that house! That man, that man is cruel!" I screamed.

The time seemed to fast forward to when I was in juvie for the fifth month.

"Yo Callie, some person from the hospital is on the phone." I walked up to the phone and found out the worst news ever. Jude was killed, by my foster dad.

By the end of my dream I was crying and shaking, so I put my old converse on and walked to the cementary where my mom and baby brother were buried.

I bent down and it hit me like a ton of bricks that I didn't have anyone left, not anyone except, Brandon and The Fosters.


Brandon's POV:

I woke up and made my way to Callie's room only to find out she wasn't there, and immediately started getting worried because she hadn't left the room more than three times since Jude passed away. I checked the whole house and she was no where to be found. I quickly went into crazy protective boyfriend mode. I ran up to mom's room and started beating on the door.

"Yes?" Lena answered.

"Can I come in?"

"Yes, B." I opened the door to reveal my mom and Lena in their bed watching Jerry Springer or something.

"Callie. She's- She's gone." I quickly rushed out. That quickly got both of their attentions.

"When's the last time you seen her?" "Any notes?" "Messages?" "Calls?" My moms were throwing all these questions at me.

"Last night, no, no, and no." I told mom.

Then it hit me.

"I think I know where she is." I told them. "I'll call you if she is." I didn't even give them time to answer and I was already out the door with my keys and phone. I got to the cementary in less than four minutes because I was driving so fast. I quickly ran to Jude's and Collin's grave. (a/n:that's Callie's mom). There she was. My Callie, she was laying across their graves asleep. I picked her up and placed her into my car giving her a kiss on the forehead and mumbling an 'I love you'. I called moms to let them know that I was on my way home with Callie. Just as we were pulling into the driveway Callie woke up. I noticed the look of scarceness on her face and quickly spoke up.

"Callie, it's okay, it's just me." I said in a soothing voice.

"How did you find me?" Was all she had to say.

"I'm in love with you, I can practically read your mind." I said with a slight grin. Once we got out of the car and I to the house, Marianna was home and everyone was hugging her and saying that they missed her. I then realized what Callie needed. She needed just a night of me and her, and that's what I'm going to give her. I know that I can get a beach house and set up everything, but I don't know how I'm going to get Moms to let us go. But I did know, Callie needed this and I was going to do everything in my power to give it to her.

Author's Note:

New Chapter! How did you guys like Brandon's POV? I had a lot of fun writing it. Make sure you comment and vote below, it's greatly appreciated, it always makes me update faster! I love all my readers, and don't forget to follow to see what all I do!

Insta: makaylawbuu

I also love fan mail, so here's my number; 6065416377

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