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   Thickened, overgrown and shrouded in darkness, he dashed at high speed dodging rocks and bark by swift movements. He trips but gets up the second he hits the ground. Knowing the unlikely chance the man would chase on foot he might be caught and he was not taking any chances. While zooming in and out of shadowed figures and getting whipped and beaten by branches he could see a faint light, the one he had been searching for. He quickened his pace knowing he was near the end of this unfriendly forest. He could only imagine what Liam was thinking at this moment. Probably worried to death. Zayn suddenly got this feeling in his stomach, a feeling of remorse. He can't be focusing on this right now though he must get away to even see Liam first.

  Running out with wounds to prove his journey,  the boy quickly looks left and right to see if there was any traces of vehicle lights. None.

  Thinking he was safe a smile creeps onto his face but the expression soon drops from accomplishment to fear when he sees the familiar headlights enclosing on incoming from behind him.

    "He followed me all the way here?! REALLY?! HOW?!" He says throwing his hands up in the air and dropping them sarcasticly.

  With the truck approaching fast he had to lose it before he reached Liam's house and even though he was on the sidewalk, he knew the man would have no problem barging up onto it and hitting him which meant he needed to hurry and react. Luckily, Zayn had already planned this out.

  Ahead of his game, the teen was going in the opposite direction of Liam's house. He starts to run once again scanning the street for something specific. An opening. He knew exactly where he was, growing up him and Liam used to play on these streets along with another boy named Niall that moved away. Out of breath with the truck following behind, he spots the small shoulder width niche in the wall. It was his favorite hiding spot for hide and seek when they were little, it gives perfect camoflouge. Being fast and stealthy , he makes a full body spin into the open space. He becomes as still as a rock. The truck that was in hot persuit soon zooms pass him, though he doesn't let his guard down until the crush and the grind of that mechanical monster is out of range. The sound slowly fades and once again it is quiet, excluding the sigh of release that escapes Zayn's lips.

  He shakingly comes out of hiding looking both ways with his breath ragged and lungs full of cold night air. He tries to gather his thoughts of what just happened. "I can't believe all of this. . . I wonder what Liam and Louis will think of all this. . ."  He thinks to himself, then pauses and his eyes go wide. " OH MY GOSH I ALMOST FORGOT I HAVE TO GET TO LIAM'S!" He says aloud and with that he dashes off to Liam's house to inform the unaware and possibly worried teenager of the current events.

                                                                   ~ ⌘ ~ 

  Laying on his blue L shaped couch holding his ipad up, lays a worried Liam unknown of Zayn's whereabouts. He has always been to over worry and jump to the worst possible conclusions. He just cared a lot. Zayn was his best mate so he was special. Worry lines start to form on his forehead as he thinks about it. He sits up and put his ipad aside with a light jump he hops off his couch.

    " Where could he be?. . ." He whispers to his phone screen checking the time. He dials Zayn's phone number in an attempt to get ahold of him. No answer. Sliding around his living room in circles he calls over and over again, which was becoming his least favorite noise at the moment. Circling turns into pacing after minutes go by without any response from Zayn. Finally Liam gives up on calling and leaves a voicemail knowing he probably won't answer. He sighs putting his phone in his pocket and mopes to his wooden door, He opens and pushes his glass door open with his back and a rush of cold wind goes right through his flanel shirt and pajamas.

   "Christ it's cold." He jumps back in the house and slips across the wood floor to his bedroom. Seconds later he walks out with a black varsity jacket. "That should do it."  He says with a smile and walks outside once again. The clouds were dissapating as the night went on now revealing the moon that was once hidden.

"So quiet. So peaceful." Liam closes his eyes, still with worry on his shoulders.


So guys am i doing good? I hope soo, don't be afraid to comment! I want to hear what you guys think. Thanks for reading. :) x x

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